Chapter 35 - Fragile Heart

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Angelo's POV

After the discussion on Monday, myself and Ben seperated from my father, Richmond and Max on wednesday morning, so that Ben and i could takecare of some other business, then we reunited with my father on thursday night for our return flight back home.

I should be happy to get back home, but i am not.

I look down at the message i received two days ago that i am yet to reply to.

Call me back will you,
We seriously need to talk.


I sigh.

Now that i am back in town, i know she will start calling me again, probably even come by, so i need to contact her back quickly. It's not that i don't plan to initiate a conversation with her myself, i just need to do something else first.

We touch down in hartford shortly after noon but i go home with Dad and Ben first before going to my place. I have to meet Nick at round 4pm, so i am closer to him there than if i went home.


I had hoped Angelo would be back by wednesday but that wasn't the case, then thursday came and passed and now it's friday and the day is almost over, so now i am not holding on to any hope, on top of that, we haven't communicated much since he has been gone, so the time period feels even longer.

Tomorrow morning i am going back to my hometown for Dad's memorial.
I should have travelled today, but then i had initially hoped that Angelo would be here by today, so that i could invite him to come with me if he wanted to, but i guess i planned in vain and it was too late to make a last minute change to travel, so i will go tomorrow.

In this trip, i will be able to meet my whole family and it makes me really nervous thinking about it, so much that throughout the day at work i had this lightness in my belly that made me lose my appetite.

But now that i am home, Seline insists on making dinner for me before she leaves, even though i told her she didn't have to when i am alone. I love to cook and could easily make something for myself later.

But all the same, i welcome the company as i sit by the kitchen counter and talk to her while she finishes up making me her family's secret recepy that i have come to love so much.

Every now and then, i would help her with whatever she needs to get the cooking going, then i would sit back down again.

After some time, our friendly chatter is interrupted by voices in the foyer.

My heart does a backflip.

It can't be.

I literally jump off the stool and head out, hastily pushing the kitchen door open, as i rush out into the foyer.

"Angelo??" i call out excitedly.

Then i see him, walking into the apartment, accompanied by Elijah and Sam.

I get a quick look at him, in his long sleeved grey cotton shirt and black pants and boots. He has a jacket and laptop in one hand, but that doesn't stop me from charging at him as fast as i can.


After finishing up on my earlier programs, i head back to my place with Elijah and meet up with Sam at my building entrance.

As the lift goes up, the guys update me on what's been going on in more detail during my absence, not that i am even paying attention. My mind is both earger and nervous to get upstairs.

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