Bonus Chapter

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Angelo's POV

Much later that day, I walk back into the house with the twins, and their cousins who asked to come over for a sleep over.

Watching the kids scream, and go running up the stairs, I turn the other direction, and disappear off to the TV room down the hall, before they they see where I am going and decide to follow me.

I am exhausted from having spent the whole day with them, one more minute in their presence, I will explode.

I want more kids, but moments like this, leave me with doubts about expanding our family just yet.

I don't even bother to switch on the lights as I enter the room. I curling up on the sofa and close my eyes.

I expected to just pass out from the exhaustion, but I find myself staring at the ceiling.....and I start to think about how my life has changed, drastically.

And how it could have all gone wrong.

I got lucky, I don't know how, but I got lucky with how everything turned my life turned out generally...Now I have two kids I absolutely adore, and a woman that loves me unconditionally, one that I love more than anything and can't wait to officially make my wife.

Thinking back to yesterday and how unsure I was about proposing when I woke up in the morning, it's funny now...even though Marianne likes to keep me on my toes....I should have known better.

If I had asked her earlier, she would have definitely said yes...Now I know to never doubt my self again, to never doubt us again...


I am alone in the deem room for some time, when I hear light footsteps.


I look up to see Mary standing infront of me.

"Hi" I whisper.

"Running away from the kids?" She asks rhetorically.

I nod and she laughs, as she sits down next to me, moving closer so that we are cuddling on the comfy sofa.

"Me too..." She confesses.

"How's been you day" I ask, rubbing her arm.

"Good. Exciting.....Your mom called, and we ended up having a long conference with my mom, and we talked about everyone's expectations about the wedding....and then they just started going way over the top, and it just started to freak me out." She mumbles and I laugh.

" We could always elope" I offer.

" I would actually like that" she murmurs.

"But our families will kill us... " I say.

" Indeed they would" she says.

Then she suddenly moves, so that she is sitting on top of me on my midsection and just stares at me.

"What?" I ask, watching her watch me.

" can't believe that, we have this...we have each other" she says softly.

I rub her bare thighs back and forth as she speaks.

"I was just thinking about the same thing before you arrived......" I admit.

"What do you want?" I ask, suddenly.

" Right now?" She asks confused.

"No..what do you want for our wedding?" I ask.

"I don't know" she mumbles.

"Close your eyes" I say.

She smiles down at me, and closes her eyes obediently.

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