Sick Tsuki

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Background: Tsuki stays the night at Kuroo's and is very sick.

A/N: I just wanted angst but not that much angst.

Kuroo was shaken awake.

"What is it Kei?" -Kuroo

The shaking got more vigorous until Kuroo finally looked over to see a large bloody stain on the front of Tsuki's shirt and blood coming from the crevasses of his hand from where it covered his mouth. Tsukishima vomited blood.

Kuroo burst up and took him outside and called an ambulance. It would take too long to get there in time so he got a bowl and put Tsukishima in the car.

Kuroo put on some shoes and started driving. He called ahead to inform the nurse of the situation and to get ready for Tsukishima.

Around three-quarters of the way there, he was pulled over for speeding. The cop came over to the window and Kuroo was impatiently waiting.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

"Yes I am aware but I need to get to the hospital."

"Let me guess, he is in labor? No, then you can wait."

Tsukishima opened the door and leaned out. He vomitied all over the street. There was a small puddle of blood.

"Because he's vomiting blood, idiot!"

"Follow me!"

The policeman ran back to his car and flicked on his lights. Kuroo followed closely and there arrived in 5 minutes. The officer and Kuroo helped Tsukishima out of the car. There was a bed and nurses ready.

"You called about the guy vomiting blood?" -Nurse

"Yes!" -Kuroo

"Ok, let me get him! Help over here,STAT!" -Nurse

"Calm down, there are getting him." -Officer

Tsukishima vomited again and got blood on thE Officer's pants and shirt. His legs buckled and he fell. Kuroo picked him up and there was a bed in front of him not a moment later. Kuroo set him down, kissed his head and Tsukishima was rolled away.

Kuroo broke down and cried. The officer hugged the man as he shook.

"He means this much to you?" -Officer

"This much and so much more. I would die for him."

"Well, when he comes out and you see him again. Stay strong for him. It's ok to cry and worry but when you are with him, stay strong."

"Y-Yeah, ok"

A/N: I have like 40 drafts rn. Editing them and getting other stories on my series from my notes on my phone. Posting might slow down a little.

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