Out of Socket

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A/N: as a baby apparently my shoulders and legs would pop out of their socket and need to be put back into place. My dad couldn't do it because he was scared (I was really small) so my mom did. This is a reflection of that at 12 am. 

Me projecting my baby self into this fictional baby. Wow, I am weird.

Adding Teruyama to the list.

It was a week since Terushima and Yamaguchi came home with their new baby. Sure was a beautiful thing and had the most precious eyes. Her father died in a car crash and her mother died after giving birth. Only able to give her a name, Sakura.

Their baby Sakura.

She was a normal baby, not very loud. Not loud at all. Instead of crying she kind of meowed. Quiet thing to but still so beautiful.

(Apparently I didn't cry either. I just meowed. Also, I could climb before I walked. Why idk. Did this happen to anyone else.)

She was tiny and Terushima was scared of breaking her. Which Yamaguchi insisted wouldn't happen.

One day, the couple and their daughter were passing when she stretched out her arm far. There was a pop and Sakura started crying.

"Oh, sh sh. What's wrong?" -Terushima

"Let me see her." -Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi took Sakura and inspected her arm, noticing it was out of her socket. He hugged her close to his chest and took one hand and pressed down against the out of socket arm.

It popped back into place.

"How did you?" -Teru

"Her arm was out of the socket. Had to pop it into place." -Yamaguchi

"Could you teach me how?"

"Of course."

It happened many times and Yamaguchi told Terushima it was just because her bones haven't set yet. Finally Terushima did it once and was terrified the whole time. He still did it though. 

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