Police Gala and Daishou helping Bokuto

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Background: There is a ball for a Police Gala which Bokuto is required to go to. Unfortunately Akaashi arrives later. Now Daishou is following him around for god knows what reason.

Bokuto was being hit on all night. It was a ball and he was giving out the rookie of the year award, he had to be there. He didn't want to though. He needed his partner -Akaashi- to save him from this. Not only that but Daishou had been trying to talk to him all night.

Finally, Bokuto was at the bar and Daishou took him by surprise. Bokuto couldn't escape.

"Would you leave me alone! I'm not interested in you." -Bokuto

"First off, ouch. Second off, I'm not interested in this." Daishou gestured his hand to all of Bokuto.

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm giving you a warning. My sister is here and she has been trying to get to you. I know you are with Akaashi and I told her that but she doesn't listen."

"Wow, that's actually nice."

"Why does everyone assume I'm a total jackass?"

(I feel like Daishou gets undeserved hate in the fandom. He can be a nice guy too, have you seen him and his team?)


"Anyway, she has been trying to get to you but I've been initiating conversations with others and getting her involved then leaving to warn you. Unfortunately, you have been avoiding me so word has got around she is pushy. In short, get Akaashi here, leave, or hide."

"Geez, you make her sound bad."

"Remember that case that I had to work on with you because one of the suspects wouldn't cooperate and kept hitting on you. She would purposely wear skimpy clothes and hit on you while answering questions very vaguely. She wore that outfit that had her breasts almost completely hanging out and the skirt that you could almost make out her bits. Kissed you and wore a silk bathrobe to one of her interviews at her home. That lady?"

Bokuto looked scared and paled at the memory. Daishou had to be there because Bokuto couldn't go alone.

"Y-Yeah. I-Is that her?!" -Bokuto whisper shouted.

"No, but she would go to farther lengths. I'm telling you, scram! Into a closet and lock the door."

"The men's room?"

"Hasn't stopped her before. Go! She is coming!"

Daishou looked very worried for Bokuto which made him even more scared. Bokuto got up and went to the lab that they had. It wasn't the best hiding spot but you couldn't get past the guard without a badge.

Bokuto hid as he heard the clack of heels on the floor. As Bokuto freaked he thought 'maybe Daishou isn't so bad after all.'

He heard the sound of the guard turning her away and she quickly walked off. Bokuto was about to leave before Daishou texted him.

Daishou: don't leave yet, she is coming back

Daishou: sorry, she took my badge. Threatened to put bed bugs and shit into my work and room

Daishou: also used some blackmail

Daishou: a nice choice to hide in the lab. I'll have to think of it next time

Bokuto stayed hidden and he heard the guard asking for a badge. Apparently she stole Daishou's. Damn, he was right, she is nuts. The guard didn't let her through though. Thank god Bokuto told him to not let the lady in.

Now he had to wait for Akaashi. Akaashi texted Bokuto that he was there and that Daishou informed him of the situation.

Bokuto heard another pair of shoes go to the guard and pass through. Daishou's sister was still talking to the guard.

Akaashi sat down on the floor next to Bokuto and laid his head on the other's shoulder.

"She is wacko." -Bokuto

"Yeah, I know her."

Bokuto turned to him, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"She visited the museum a few thousand times during a project between her company and the museum. Caught a glimpse and wouldn't let go. Nasty bitch. Had to tell her I didn't like girls." -Akaashi

"Geez, I like girls, just not crazy ones." (I think Bokuto is more on the bi side, sry)

"Yeah. You are on in five minutes, let's go."

Akaashi got up and Bokuto followed. As they stood, Daishou's sister saw Bokuto and Akaashi noticed this. Akaashi quickly pulled on his tie and yanked him into a kiss. The noise of the girl stopped and she walked away quietly.

After that, there were no more attempts made.

A/N: I personally enjoyed writing this one. Idk why

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