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Background: Been a while since I've done the police AU with Bokuaka.

I would like to say that I got my inspo for these stories from ao3. The creator is needles and they did a lot more of this kinda AU then me. They also wrote an entire story that I highly recommend! 

Bokuto and Akaashi were at a bar enjoying their night off when a group of young adults (teens) came in and started causing trouble.

They were wild and roudy, antagonizing older people in the bar. Making fun of, poking, annoying, and generally being annoying.

Bokuto finally had enough.

"Hey! Shut up! It's my night off!"

They got up and walked over. A group of five teens came up and the leader pulled up a chair.

"Well, we wouldn't want it disturb your night off. After all the office must be so draining." -Leader

"Oh yes. We are so sorry." -OC 1

The leader tipped over Bokuto's beer.

"Oops, sorry. Let me get you another." -Leader

One of his friends left and got another beer.

"Now, my friend here knows the owner and would like you two to fck off." -Leader

The friend came over with the beer abs poured it on Akaashi's head and left. The group followed.

Bokuto saw red. He pulled out his gun and shot a round. Grazing the kid who poured beer on Akaashi. The group looked at them in shock. Seeing Bokuto with his gun raised. The entire bar had their eyes on them.

The two got up from their table. They walked to them. Bokuto slammed the friends' head on the bar.

"So you know the owner? I know the head of the head of the Ministry of Defense. I also know several generals and friends from the police station. I'm an ex-sniper from the military. Official detective. My ace beats yours." -Bokuto

He pulled out his badge.

"You all are under arrest for assault of a police officer, disturbing the peace, and being underage." -Bokuto

"I wouldn't fight him, my job is to put bodies back together. Let's not see if I can put you together once you're in pieces." -Akaashi

The boys were taken away and Bokuto had a chat with the owner. The owner was shocked and the boys were banned. Bokuto and Akaashi also got a few free beers out of it.

"Nice shooting." -Akaashi


"Wanna head to my place later? See if you can give me some lessons in shooting."

"We have different definitions of shooting but I think I like yours more."

*Omg, that was so cringe

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