Grim reaper

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Akaashi walked throughout the halls of the hospital. It was his time to collect a soul. He found the room and walked through the door. He stood in front of the person's bed.

The person was a teen who was hit by a car, this teen was an orphan.

The teen was well built and had black and gray hair. Even as he was dying his eyes were full of life and joy.

He flat lined and passed. Doctors rushing to save him.

Akaashi held out a hand to his soul. With no hesitation, he took it. Usually people would be hesitant or afraid, only the elderly wouldd accept so willingly.

"Why do you not fear me. As so many have a child?" -Akaashi

"Most people don't realize that you do not kill. You simply take the people to whichever world they go to. Everyone thinks you kill them but you just are a guide. What is your name? I'm Bokuto Koutarou!"

"I am Akaashi Keiji. Do you have any last wish before leaving this world?"

"Can I see an owl?" 

Bokuto's eyes lit up. Before Akaashi could do anything, a soul of a Great Horned Owl appeared and flew around Bokuto. Akaashi had never seen any one who was so in tune with souls.

"I have an idea. Would you like to become a reaper and guide souls, like I do?" -Akaashi

Bokuto looked at Akaashi.

"Can I help others like me? Like in hospitals and stuff." 

"Yes, of course."

"Then I will go with you. Come on!"

Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's hand and ran to wherever they were going. 

Bokuto turned to Akaashi as they ran.

"You are very pretty, 'Kaashi!" 

This was the start of a beautiful relationship that would with stand deaths grip.

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