Pirates & Sirens

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A/N: this is based on Pirates of the Caribbean The Fountain of Youth.

Akaashi was a siren who was caught. He was in a glass box being carried onto the boat. They weren't really that mean per se, they were different from others. They were watching him with care, making sure he wasn't hurt but not in a way that showed that Akaashi was a means to an end. Looking at him like he was a friend.

Though there was one who looked at him like he was souless. That creeped him out.

Akaasui was losing air but didn't show it. Lines started to blur though. He was being carried on deck to below deck as he weakly banged on the glass and his eyes rolled back.

"Hey! Something's wrong!" -Konoha

This shout took one of the men by surprise and he slipped and fell. The glass box fell and shattered on the deck. It send shards of glass everywhere.

Akaashi laid on his side on the ground gasping harshly for air. He began to struggle to move and the lower half of him began to change into legs. His legs were weak. He tried to push himself away from someone (he didn't really know) but his feet kept slipping. He also began to notice sharp pain everywhere, most likely from shards of glass.

He heard many voices come over and someone (the one who dropped him, named Bokuto if he remembers correctly) checked him over. Akaashi felt a splash of cold water that made him curl up.

"What the hell did you do that to him for?!" -Bokuto

"Looked weird. Didn't wanna clean up the slime later." -OC 1

Komi and Konoha just shook their heads in disappointment. They never like OC 1, but he was a part of the crew so they had to deal.

Bokuto took off his shirt and wrapped Akaashi in it.

"What is going on?" -Yamiji said from the upper deck

"I slipped and the box broke. Good thing too since he couldn't breathe." -Bokuto

"Ok, clean him up and keep him with you. He's your responsibility Bokuto. Konoha, help him if he needs it."


Bokuto picked up Akaashi, princess style, and continued their way to the bunks. That night Akaashi slept with Bokuto and honestly, didn't mind.

He could get used to this.

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