Tsukishima's Birthday

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALT SHAKER To celebrate, here is a short fic.


Tsukishima walked to his apartment after a long day of tours at the museum. Many annoying kids and adults. Sometimes the adults were more annoying that the kids. Thinking they know everything when they really don't. He had a guy come in who didn't believe in dinosaurs or the theory of Evolution. That's fine, Tsukishima will only internally judge you. But he paid for a three-hour tour of the ENTIRE museum.

So, his day is going meh.

He wanted to go home to his boyfriend and sleep this totally boring and average day away.

He inserted his key into the lock and opened the door.

He was taken aback by Akaashi, Bokuto and Kuroo in his apartment, with a cake, presents, and mini hats on. Well, Bokuto had two on, one on each spike of his hair, and how he was still breathing Tsukishima didn't know.

He was so confused.

"Why are you guys here? With a cake? What is going on?" -Tsukishima

"Tsukishima, it's your birthday. You remember, right?" -Akaashi

Tsukishima just stared and shook his head.

"It's not for a month." -Tsukishima

*i actually forgot my birthday once. I though it was still weeks away. It was very scary

"Moonshine, what's today?" -Kuroo

"August 27th." -Tsuki

Bokuto pulled out his phone and shoved it into Tsukishima's face. The screen indeed said the 27th, but of September.

"Did you not see the texts from everyone?" -Akaashi

"My phone broke this morning to I got it fixed. Is it really my birthday?" -Tsuki

Kuroo walked over and helped his boyfriend into the apartment.

"It is, so might as well celebrate now, right?"

Tsukishima just smiled and grabbed a fork. He stabbed the strawberry shortcake and took a bite. Ignoring the candles and the formailites and the song. He hummed in delight and dug in.

"We have to sing you happy birthday! Akaashi! Tsuki isn't doing it right!"  -Bokuto

"Ah well, it is his birthday." -Akaashi

They just grabbed forks and headed to the couch. It was very good cake and also a disappearing cake! Abracadabra, it's gone!

It took the four of them the Jurassic Park set to finish the cake. They still had the other two to go.

Good thing Tsukishima took tomorrow off.

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