Kugushiba Hybrid Backstory

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Background: A sort of backstory for Kugushiba. I like it, the ending is a little meh but I like it.

Don't mind me being a huge sucker for hybrid fics.

Kuguri had never known what kindness was like until he met Shibayama. Before that, it was test after test and owner after owner who used him or rather his venom for bad deeds. Mostly resulting in death.

But here, locked up, muzzled, chained to a wall in a cage amongst others like him, starving, and waiting to be sold is where he finds true warmth and love.

Shibayama is a normal human with a shitty life. Forced into an orphanage at a young age where kids were ruthless and cruel. He decided to run and now is working for a very shady and very illegal organization that sells hybrids. His job is to just give them food. Food he doesn't get much of.

"Here you go. Eat up."

As Shibayama delivers the food he feels happy, this is the only sort of satisfaction he could get. He also feels a hunger come from within in those moments. Whatever they don't eat, he does.

Shibayama walks to the last cage, Kuguri's. He undoes the muzzle and rubs the back of his ears and runs his thumbs over his cheeks, stretching them. He picks up some food and feeds it to him.

There was a rule to never let Kuguri out of his chains.

Kuguri got halfway through before stopping.

"Eat, Kuguri." -Shibayama

"No, you eat the rest. You need it more than me."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes, eat."

Shibayama took a bite and ate slowly.

As the days went on like this, more hybrids were sold and the cages stayed empty. Now, it was just Shibayama and Kuguri. Shibayama opened his cell and sat down in front of the other. Same process as always. In the months together they have grown close. Closer than they ever should be.

"Eat." -Shibayama

Halfway through Kuguri stops.

"Eat, this is your last day here before they euthanize you. Eat, for me."

Kuguri finished all the food that day.

"Before you put the muzzle back on and I die, can you fulfill my last wish?"


"Give me one hand to touch you with."

Shibayama's eyes went slightly wider and he undid one of his hands. Kuguri gently lifted a hand to Shibayama's face. He pulled him close.

Their lips met. Shibayama wrapped his arms around Kuguri's neck. Their kiss became heated and Shibayama scrambled to get the other hand unchained. Kuguri wrapped his arms around the other and pressed him close before he was ripped away.

"Well well well. A hybrid and a human. How disgusting."

"Let him go!" -Kuguri


Four men held him down as the another held Shibayama. The leader pushed his foot on the back of Shibayama's head. Kuguri went silent.

"How about this. I let you both walk away if you watch me take him."

The leader bent down and licked the shell of Shibayama's ear. Kuguri saw red.

"Rather die."

" it doesn't matter because you either watch and you both can walk away or you die and I take him anyway."

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