Bokuto Akaashi & Kuroo join practice

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Background: Akaashi, Bokuto, and Kuroo visit Tsukishima and are invited to Akiteru's practice.

"You know what. Kuroo-san and them should come with us to practice." -Tsukishima

"Yeah! Another middle blocker, setter, and ace! Plus it works be cool to see you play. And I can brag about this." -Akiteru

The 5 get into the car and head to the gym. Tsukishima turns to Kuroo and talks to him.

"There is one guy who I need you to block at all costs if I can't. Akaizawa. Beat him for me please babe." -Tsukishima

Kuroo blushed at the nickname and it was now his obligation to beat this Akaizawa.

"Of course" -Kuroo

They arrived at the gym and they walked in, Akiteru leading the four younger. When they walked in all eyes were on them.

"Who are they?" -Akaizawa

"This is Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, and Bokuto Koutarou." -Akiteru.

"Why are more children here?" -Akaizawa

"They will be practicing with us." -Coach

Kuroo and Akaashi already disliked him but Bokuto spoke first.

"I'm not a child when it comes to the sport! Technically I'm better than you! I'm the number 5 ace in all of Japan! You are some old dude who I didn't even know existed." -Bokuto said, not even trying to be rude.

Kuroo, Akaashi, and Tsukishima snickered.

"I'm Alaashi Keiji. I'm a Fukurodani second year and the official setter." -Akaashi

"I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. Third-year and captain of Nekoma." -Kuroo

"I'm the ace and captain of Fukuroudani! And a third year too." -Bokuto

"Ok. Well let's see if they are any good." -Akaizawa

They all split into two teams of four. Kuroo, Akaashi, Bokuto, and Tsukishima vs Akaizawa, Akiteru, and two others.

The game started off with Kuroo's serve. He threw the ball up and ran, jumping into the air and hitting the ball perfectly. The ball was received and in play.

The ball went to the younger team's side and Akaashi set the ball.

"Bokuto-san!" -Akaashi

Bokuto jumped in the air but there were two middle blockers already there. Bokuto lowered his arm and relaxed his entire shoulder, moving to make his extreme cut shot.

His arm kept folding towards his chest till it hit the ball almost parallel to the net. It landed on the opposing team's side.

A point for Kuroo's team.

Kuroo served again but the ball was received better this time and it was set to Akaizawa. Kuroo and Tsukishima we're there though.

Kuroo completely killed the spike and sent the ball flying to the floor.

When they landed, he sent a look to Tsukishima.

This was going to be so fun.

The adults underestimated the four high schoolers. The game was in their favor and they were quite happy about it. Kuroo sent remarks and even commented on how to improve one of the blocker's blocks. Akaashi chided him for this but he responded.

"I want a fair fight. If their blocks aren't perfect then it isn't very fair." -Kuroo

After the teens' victory was won and more sets were played, practice ended. The five left the gym to head home. Kuroo felt bubbly inside knowing that he did his boyfriend well. Bokuto was happy he got to play. Tsukishima felt smug for defeating Akaizawa. Akaashi felt smug for putting those underestimating adults in their place. Akiteru felt elated for showing off. All in all, a good day in deed. One that should be repeated.

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