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Background: threats are being given out to four of the five national aces. 

A/N: idk where this came from

At the gate of the Mijunazaka gym stood a teenager. With black and white hair that was down. He had circles under his eyes. He was tall, bulky, and seemed familiar.

He walked in and everyone threw their attention to him. He kinda spaced out and didn't talk. He only spoke a few words to the coach. She called them over and gathered them in a circle.

"Yes Coach?" -Usuri

"Who are you?" -Wakatsu

"Do I really look that bad?" 

No one said anything.

"Wait, you look familiar. You play volleyball, right?" -Unnan

"I hope so. It's me Bokuto Koutarou." -Bokuto

"You look horrible!" -Mami

"Don't be rude!" -Usuri

"Yeah, it's been...difficult lately. Wakatsu, you check in with anything of the other aces? Ojiro, Sakusa, or Ushijima?" -Bokuto

"No, why?" -Wakatsu

"Anything... unusual?"

"No... you ok?"

"Well, I have. Someone has been going around and threatening the rest of the aces, including me. It's been getting worse lately but no one heard anything from you. We thought you would be unaware -which we were right about- but then this came."

Bokuto took a letter out of his bag.

"Didn't know for was for you. Not until it mentioned you by name. Read through it and it isn't the worst by far but it's still concerning."

Bokuto handed Wakatsu the letter, he didn't read it yet.

"Have you slept well lately? You look tired." -Hondo

"Not really but that's not the point. The point is that the threats have been more physical and violent. When I got the letter I wanted to make sure you were ok. You haven't got any letters? None? Nothing suspicious? Feeling like you've been followed?" -Bokuto

"I haven't got anything but I have been feeling like I've been followed." -Wakatsu

"Ok, well. If anything happens let me or one of the other aces know. We are trying to figure this out."


"Bokuto-san, has anyone gotten hurt?" -Usuri

"Akaashi, Komori, Riseki from Inarizaki, and Goshiki. Someone went after people close to us so be careful." -Bokuto

"Anything else?" -Coach Kuzuri

Bokuto flinched a little at her sudden question and presence.

"No, that's all." -Bokuto

"Come on Bokuto-san." -Akaashi was at the gym door.

Akaashi had a large bruise on his face, he leaned against the door frame and it looked like it was more for support and rest rather than just to lean on. He also looked just as tired as Bokuto. He also had bandages on his neck and hand.

"Thank you for letting me know Bokuto."


Bokuto bowed and then walked off toward Akaashi, they laced their hands together as Bokuto took them away from the school.

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