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The church closed and Tsukishima was tidying up for the evening. He was supposed to go out with Kuroo later, which made him extra eager to leave.

He saw three tall men in suits walk into the church.

I thought I locked that door.

He turned to the men and spoke firmly.

"I'm sorry but the church is closed. You can come tomorrow morning. It always closes at sun down."

The middle man laughed and looked at Tsukishima. He walked to him and around him, examining him. He lifted his hand and touched Tsukishima's hair and caressed his cheek. Tsukishima steeled himself and looked disgusted. He grabbed the man's wrist and yanked it away from his face.

Only Kuroo could touch him like that.

Only Kuroo could hold him and take like that.

"You need to leave now." -Tsukishima

"Blind hair, soft skin, glasses, golden eyes... you must be Tsukishima Kei. Where is Kuroo?"

"Kuroo? I don't know. We meet every week at some new place every time. How should I know? I'm not his mother."

Most would be off put by this, some would leave, and some would squawk. No. This man hit.

He punched Tsukishima in the face and knocked him to the ground. The man squared between his legs, on the balls on his feet. Tsukishima held his noses

"I have a few questions for you. Play nice and you won't get hurt."

Tsukishima wasn't scarred.

"Fck you." He spat

The man held out a knife and sliced his cheek.

No, he wasn't scared. He was terrified.


Kuroo waited but no tsukishima. No tall blond in a long black trench coat (that was a gift from Kuroo) with a steely glaze that made him look like an Angel or the grim reaper during business hours.

He was concerned and headed to the church. He had a gut feeling that something was going on. No one was around, the shops had closed and everyone went home, deserted.

He arrived at the large door and noticed it was cracked open. Voices came from inside. He pulled out his gun and went in, quietly, deadly.

He saw three men kneeling over his Tsukishima Kei. He walked closer, making no effort to hide his existence. One hand in his pocket, the other at his side holding the gun. The three men looked back to see him.

The middle man stood up and smiled.

"Kuroo! How are you? You are mighty hard to get a hold of so we thought to ask a friend."

He stepped out of the way to reveal Tsukishima. He had blood coming from his nose and head. He wasn't wearing his attire, just his plain white shirt and pants. The souls of his feet were bloody. His white shirt was more red than white. The trench coat that Kuroo bought him was on a pew, shredded. His blond hair was dyed a shade of red. And to top it all off, Tsukishima had blood shot eyes. Which means he was crying.

They will pay for that.

"Hard to get a hold of my ass."

Kuroo held up the gun and fired. The shell hitting the floor with a satisfying clink. The middle man fell to the ground, dead.

The other two ran to Kuroo but he shot one in the head and the other in the leg. The last surviving man of the three was shot as well.

Kuroo then filled each man with three extra holes.

He put the gun away and walked towards Tsukishima who was shaking violently. He flinched away from Kuro who wrapped his arms around him. Tsukishima realized who it was and he quickly returned the hug. Kuroo slid an arm under his knees and the other under his back. He lifted and carried Tsukishima out the back, princess style.

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