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The rumor that Kuroo was no longer single went around fast. But people had a bigger concern, who was this person?

All they knew was that he was from a different school. Some second-year heard Kuroo calling them 'moonshine'. A group of first years tried to figure it out.

They thought of someone from Fukuroudani but decided that was a no. One kid dared to actually follow Kuroo on one of his trips. Finding out that they were from Miyagi and a first-year.

From there that one kid figured it out, Tsukishima Kei. It took many embarrassing moments from their cousin and the thoughts:

I am weird

WTH am I doing?!

I need help, professional help

Nevertheless, they did it. But decided not to tell. Using their better judgment, they decided not to but still wanted confirmation they were right. Which led them to now.

Standing in front of Kuroo, behind the gym, and nervous.

"This is going to sound weird but Kuroo-san, are you dating Tsukishima Kei from Karasuno?"


"I kinda was on a train to Miyagi to see a cousin (partially true) and I saw you on it. I noticed that you and I were heading in a similar direction. My cousin goes to Karasuno and asked if anyone from either volleyball team was dating anyone. She said that Tsukishima-san might be dating someone. When we went out to eat I saw you two as we were passing by. I'm very sorry! I really don't mean to be creepy!" 

The student got faster and faster as they explained themselves.

"I-umm I am dating him."

"Ok! I won't tell! I swear!"

"Thank you. Let's keep this in the down-low for a while, ok?"


It was fine until a group of fan girls saw the two at a bakery. Then it was too late.  They couldn't keep quiet for the life of them.

A/N: I have an unhealthy of obsession with Haikyuu!! It's bad.

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