Tsukishima meets MSBY

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MSBY was in the locker room finishing up from practice that day.

"Shut up idiot." 

Sakusa said to Atsumu.

"You know, Sakusa. You really are pulling a Saltyshima." Hinata said.

"Who?" -Sakusa

"He's way scarier than Sakusa." -Bokuto

"He was the first year who blocked Ushijima. Really, a jerk! He is so mean!" -Hinata

Hinata and Bokuto kept talking about Tsukishima and how mean he was. When the team left the gym, Hinata was walking backwards and kept talking while on their way to their dorms. 

"This one time he wouldn't even help me study when I asked! He would only help me before and after practice! If I asked any other time he would send me away! What a total jack..."

Hinata bumped into something behind him. When he looked up he saw a tall blond with glasses looking down at him with a raised eyebrow.

"...ass" -Hinata

Hinata went pale and froze.

"H-hey Tsuki..." -Bokuto

"This is the horrible scary Tsukishima?" -Sakusa

Sakusa raised an eyebrow and pointed at him.

"Oh! I know him! He pissed off Suna!" -Atsumu

Tsukishima looked at Atsumu and scrunched up his face in disgust.

"Ew, your hair looks so bad, like piss." -Tsukishima

"Ah! Rude! How did you get your hair like that? So blonde!" -Atsumu

"It's naturally blonde." Tsukishima looked down at Hinata, again. "What you couldn't talk shit to me to my face?" -Tsukishima

"U-umm..." -Hinata

"That's what I thought." -Tsukishima

Tsukishima looked to Bokuto.

"Bokuto, Akaashi-san is waiting for you at your apartment." 

Bokuto nodded and set off. Tsukishima sent one last glare to Hinata and followed Bokuto.

"Geez, he is mean." -Atsumu

"I know." -Hinata

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