Detective (What it was supposed to be)

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Background: Police au, they are in America.

Bokuto and Akaashi came back from an undercover mission where they were working at a historical park in California, a mining park with a saloon, mine, jail, etc. When they were there, there was a group of high schoolers on tour who caused trouble. Saying that the place was lame and the gun show Bokuto performed in was fake. Bokuto an ex-military sniper, fake. Not only that but they almost beat a kid for finding a gold nugget (which they could keep).

It didn't matter since the two went home to D.C. and settled in again.

A few months go by and the same group of high schoolers go to the precinct for a tour. Bokuto wasn't there though, he was at the lab with his team (Fukuroudani members) and Akaashi.

Bokuto and Akaashi headed to the shooting range that was for officers who needed to practice. It was connected to the precinct. 

They were starting to practice when thr group came by. In the range, there were five rows for shooting. Behind them was a door to the side and a window where people could watch in a small room. 

The group of teens didn't immediately recognize the two until the turned around. Bokuto switched from his handgun to his large sniper rifle. The rifle that helped him so many times. Bokuto set the distance to max before looking through the scope and firing. Bullseye, again and again. 

Akaashi finished and waited for Bokuto. Once they were done they got their targets and Bokuto gave Akaashi a few pointers.

The group left in shock and finished the tour. Before they left, Bokuto and Akaashi were there at the door. Bokuto turned his attention to the kid who was almost beat.

"Hey, kid! How are you? Didn't get beat did you?" -Bokuto

"You're cops?!" 

One of the teens said.

"Yes, so?" -Akaashi

"You work at that mining place though!" Another kid said.

"Yes, where my shooting was fake." -Bokuto

They looked in shock.

"Honeslty. I think I'm pretty good for an ex-military sniper." -Bokuto

With that the two left.

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