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Background: Bokuto is a vampire hunter and Akaashi is a vampire. Bokuto is 10, Akaashi is eight.

A/N: Saw a reel on Instagram by puppibun. Someone said they needed a 100,000 word story. I am not motivated enough to write 100,000 words but I can do is 1,000.

Lol save me.

Also puppibun is super cool! Mostly Akaashi stuff but honestly, their art style totally fits my vibe. Love their account.

Puppibun if you read this, I really love your work and can't wait to see what you do next!

The transition between parts is a little odd but I like it.

Now, enjoy!

Akaashi say his mother on the ground dead. With a cross with a pointed tip at the bottom going going into her heart.

Akaashi remembers who did this, the men who killed her.

He grabbed the stake and chased after them. He finally saw them walking down the path.

One was the same age as him and one was an adult.

He called out and they turned around.

"Forgot something?"

He held the bloody cross for them to see

"You left it in my mom."

"And you shall see her."

The adult came running forward and attacked. He pulled out a new stake in the shape of a cross and attacked. Akaashi was quick and dodged, logging his mother's bloody stake into the adults heart.

"Go to hell."

The adult fell down, dead. Akaashi saw the boy staring at him in fear.

"You killed her as well!"

Akaashi ran and the boy tried to escape but failed. Akaashi got on top of him and started punching him. The anger he felt was immense, but the loss he felt was bigger. He began to cry and his punches got lighter and lighter till he was lightly and barely hitting in the boys chest as he cried into it.

The boy had a split lip and bloody nose. As well as a bruised face. Yet he still wrapped his arms around Akaashi.

"I know how it feels to lose someone important to you. It's okay, cry as much as you need."

The boy whispered calm words of kindness and warmth.

"W-Why are you kind to me? You killed her! She is dead because of you! Now I am alone!"

"If I knew she had a child I wouldn't have left her like that. I wouldn't have let Yamiji leave her like that. No one, not even a vampire, deserves to see a parent like that."

"Why are you this kind?!"

"Because I know how it feels to hurt abs to cry over the loss of a mother. I am alone now for good. I now have no one more that he is dead."

Akaashi looked back at the man he killed. A wave of shame, guilt, and regret glided his body. He was crying over his mother when he murdered this boy's last chance at a home.

"I-I- Oh no. I am so sorry!"

"It's ok, I am alone now but that is ok."

"Let me stay with you! To repay you."

"R-Really? You wouldn't mind staying with me?"

"Just to repay my debt."

"Ok! We should get walking then! Before morning comes."

They walked together to a village abs found an abandoned cottage, as like away from the town and in the dark forest.

As time passed, Akaashi paid his debt to the boy. The boy's name was Bokuto Koutarou and was very loud and energetic despite their guest meeting.

There would be nights that Akaashi would cry out for his mother and no one responded. Bokuto did, he would cuddle close and wrap around Akaashi, protecting him.

They were started together for 9 years before they confessed their feelings. Bokuto was 19 and a Akaashi was 17. They came clean and it was a night of many realizations.

They realized that their relationship would never be public or supported by any church or religion. Not only was two men in love bad but also a human and a vampire would have people coming to burn them both to the stake.

Second, if this was joint to work out, they needed to communicate what they thought.

Third, they needed to be careful. Ever since Bokuto stopped being an apprentice hunter and left, the group were suspicious and kept an eye. Eventually they left.

A new group did show up though, one that was after them both. The two protected each other and stayed together regardless.

These realizations didn't deter them. It made them stronger.

Bokuto worked as a hunter. Hunting animals to sell and eat for the both of them. Akaashi warned in a butchers shop.

Akaashi needed to stay healthy and to do that he needed blood. Luckily he had a willing volunteer ever since they started dating. Before that he would would suck the blood from animals that Bokuto killed. It took more but he didn't really have a human source. Sometimes there would be someone who went missing in the woods. Though no one suspected anything because it was very easy to get lost. Of course Akaashi took people in the forest. He needed food.

The first time Bokuto let Akaashi bite him, they both became aroused and shed more than just Bokuto's shirt. All of their clothes were shed. It kept happening like this. Akaashi and Bokuto found out that it was a surprisingly pleasurable feeling, that feeling was enhanced ten fold if they did it in the middle. Though it was tiring to do it so often.

There would be nights were everything was fine, there would also be nights where one of the two couldn't sleep which resulted in either sex or cuddles.

Bokuto was well skilled in the village. His best friend was another hunter who knew of him and Akaashi. He was (surprisingly) secretly seeing the priest, and both were demons apparently. Bokuto's friend -Kuroo- often asked to meet Akaashi. He was curious, like many others.

Bokuto realized how skilled these creatures were at hiding who they were. All for survival.

People know Bokuto had a roommate but never knew who.

As days would pass, they would do adventures together. Share experiences and learn new things.

As the years passed by, Bokuto began to age but Akaashi didn't. There was a point where they both realized that when Bokuto died, Akaashi would follow. However Bokuto had fallen too in love to let that happen.

It was Bokuto's 30 birthday when he asked for a different gift.

"Akaashi. I want to spend eternity with you. I want to be a vampire."

Akaashi was stunned. To think that all those years ago, they were on opposite sides.

"Are you sure. There is no taking this back."

"I have never been so sure."

That night, Bokuto became the thing he used to hunt, a vampire.

Honestly, neither of them would have it any other way.

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