Episode 138: Ryoko's Wrath!

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Bobby: Hola Amigos! Welcome to the 138th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars! I'm your host, Bobby Santiago!

*V4 appears*

V4: Hey hey hey!

Haruka: Hi V4! What do you have for us today?

V4: Well, I heard that being mean to Lily was not allowed among the Precures, so for my first question, what happens if someone DOES hurt her?

Urara: Well, it depends on what they did. If they call her names, we kick them in the balls. If they say something offensive to her or ruin/steal her manga, they're forced to do community service and write a 300 word essay complimenting her, and if they fail, we'll dress them up in a Precure suit, take pictures of them in the suit and post them on Twitter.

Emily: But those are all the merciful punishments. Now we're getting to the REAL pain. Should anyone physically, emotionally or mentally hurt Lily, they're getting the mega mallet of discipline! And if they DARE have the audacity to KILL her, we leave them breathless!

V4: So basically if anyone kills Lily, you kill them in retaliation, right?

Emily: Yep!

Lincoln: Hey, Lily's cute and all, but don't you guys think you're being a little too overprotective?

Kelsey: What?! You got a problem with that? *fire starts forming in her hand*

Lincoln: Uhhhh no! Of course not! *nervous laughing*

Kelsey: Good. *fire disappears*

V4: Well then, thanks for the uhhhh, informative answer... Anyways-

Kirara: Hey, where IS Lily anyways?

*Lily comes in while bursting into tears and covered in bruises*

*Lily comes in while bursting into tears and covered in bruises*

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Urara: Lily, what's wrong?!

Lincoln: And what's with all the bruises?!

Lily: It's awful! Ryoko broke into my house and brutally injured my mommy! I tried to fight back, but she was just too strong for me and I had to run away!

Everyone: WHAT?!

Kyon: I knew she'd start fulfilling her role as the Season 3 Antagonist eventually...

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