Episode 2: The Chaos Begins

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Me: Hello everyone, and welcome to the 2nd Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars! Where you get to ask/dare these 30 Heroes and get some funny reactions from them!

Kaz: Why is Julie considered a Hero?! She's a crazy psychopath!!

Me: Because she's the only permanent Antagonist here and saying 30 Heroes and Villains would be awkward considering she's the only real antagonist here.

Mackenzie: What about Regina?

Me: She's an Anti Hero. Anyways, let's begin with our first question!

The first dare is for Kaz. Your dare is to sing your French Fry song!

Ami and Yumi: (NOOOOOOOOOO!!!)

Kaz: Now is the time to show off my talented singing! Hello, Cartoon Studio! Are you ready to rock?!

Kim: Well, I guess it can't be that bad...

*after the song...*


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Kaz: So what did you guys think?

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Kaz: So what did you guys think?

Wade: That was the worst song I've heard!!

Kaz: You, you guys don't like my song...?😥

Everyone: NO!!

Mackenzie: Kaz, you bring SHAME to the music industry! You're singing was terrible, the lyrics are cringey and rude as hell, and you guitar playing was ABYSMAL.

Pikachu: *uses Thunderbolt* PIKACHUUUUUUU!!!!


Ami: Pikachu, why?!

Pikachu: PIKA PIKA!!! (That song sucked!)

Billy: I thought it was beautiful!!

Candy: Billy, how could you POSSIBLY like a song that's so bad?!

Mandy: Pay him no mind, he's just stupid.

Me: So guys, what did you think?

Dina: *Loud Crying*

Maya: Oh no...

Me: What's wrong with Dina?

Rachel: Gee, I wonder why... It's totally not because of Kaz's terrible singing...

Me: Oh.

Lori: Author, never make us do something like that again! Or else.

Me: Alright, Alright. Also, the name's Durand.

Mandy: Whatever.

Me: Anyway, the next question is for everyone excluding Ash. What would your ideal Pokémon team be?

Ash: Why am I excluded?

Me: You're the only Pokémon character here, Ash.

Ash: Oh

Kim: I guess for mine, I'd have Pidgeot, Dragonite, Zangoose, Sylveon, Beartic and Inteleon.

Me: Those are some solid choices. Anyone else?

Lily: I'd have a team of Teddiursa, Eevee, Pikachu, Lillipup, Mudkip and Buneary because they're all so cute!😄

Regina: You plan on evolving them, right?

Lily: No

Regina: *resisting the urge to facepalm*

Maya: Well for my team, I'd have Scizor, Gardevoir, Blastoise, Jirachi, Electivire and Exeggutor.

Me: Which Exeggutor?

Maya: Alolan Exeggutor, duh!

Kim: (That meme is so dumb...)

Mandy: My Pokémon team would be Darkrai, Giratina, Yveltal, Kyurem, Shadow Lugia and Shadow Mewtwo.

Emily: So evil, yet so accurate...

Patrick: My team would consist of Dunsparce, Delibird, Farfetch'd, Jigglypuff, Luvdisc and Pachirisu!

April: Uh, Patrick? I'm pretty sure those are some of the worst Pokémon to have on your team...

Me: 🤦‍♂️. Let's just move on to the next question before we get anymore terrible teams. The last question is from SuperLogan2015, and his question is, "SpongeBob, do you like working at the Krusty Krab? If so, then is it your dream at being in charge of the Krusty Krab?"

SpongeBob: Of course I love working at the Krusty Krab! If I were ever put in charge of the restaurant, I could help my employees make the best Krabby Patties in the Bikini Bottom!

Chloe: (He still loves his job despite the fact that Mr Krabs is greedy as hell...)

Me: Well everyone, that's it for today! Keep those questions and dares coming for next time! Later!

Ask or Dare: Cartoon & Anime All-Stars (Beginner Saga)Where stories live. Discover now