Episode 139: Depressing Memories...

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Squidward: Hello everyone and welcome to the 139th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars... I'm Squidward, your host...

Regina: Yeesh, looks like someone's down in the dumps.

*Ani appears*

Ani: Hi guys!

Mandy, Julie and Reina:

Emily: Yay, Ani! So what do you have for us today?

Ani: Well, Jewel has something to tell Lance.

Clara: Wow! Did you hear that Lance?

Lance: Why should I care? She'll never love me...

Ani: You sure about that, Lance? 😏

*Jewel appears*

Jewel: Hi Lance!

Lance: So what do you want?

*Jewel kisses Lance on the lips*

Lance: *gasp* You... YOU LOVE ME?!

Jewel: Yeah. To be honest, I always had a crush on you. I was just afraid you wouldn't accept my love, so that's why I got together with Poppy.

Lance: You finally dumped that loser?! YEEEEEEEESSSSS!! COME HERE, BABY!!

*Lance kisses Jewel on the lips*

Clara: Awwwwww! They look so cute together!

Ani: Yeah!

*Butterscotch appears while crying*

Ani: Butterscotch, what's wrong?

*Ani feels Butterscotch's forehead, which is hot*

Ani: Oh my! Your forehead feels so hot! How'd that happen?


Ani: *growling* You did this, didn't you?!

Julie: Yeah, I made her sick as revenge for all the times you've embarrassed me! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!


*Ani turns into her super form*

Julie: Oh s**t...


*Ani uses her signature move on Julie*


Ani: She never learns...

*Butterscotch starts screaming*

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