Episode 48: KOKODAYO!!

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*I'm sleeping in my room*

LRB: *with a megaphone in his hand* KOKODAYO!!! *teleports away*

Me: What the hell was that?! Well anyways, time to go back to sleep...

*8:00 AM*

Me: *wake up yawn* Alright, time to get ready for today's episode! *I take a shower, get dressed and eat breakfast* Alright, the cast should be arriving any second now.

*everyone arrives*

Maya: Hey sweetie! *kisses me on the cheek*

Me: Hey guys! Ready for the next episode?

Everyone except Mandy: Ready!

Mandy: Let's just get this over with.

Me: Cameraman!

*we start recording*

Me: Hello everyone and welcome to the 48th Episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars!

Dark Dream: Won't be long until we reach the 50th mark!

Nozomi: Yeah!

*Deondre appears*

Deondre: Hey guys!

Chloe: Hey sweetie! *kisses Deondre on the cheek*

Me: So Deondre, what questions and dares do you have for us today?

Deondre: My first question is for both Glitter Forces, is it possible for a boy to become a Glitter Force warrior?

Natalie: No. In fact, that's the 7th rule of being a Glitter Force warrior, you have to be a girl. A boy becoming a magical girl would look ridiculous and crush our morale.

Deondre: Well that stinks... Anyways, for my 2nd Question, who's your favorite Super Hero?

Lincoln: Ace Savvy baby!

Lily: Miracle Peace!

Sheen: Ultra Lord!

Chavo: Captain Hopper!

SpongeBob and Patrick: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!

Me: Rest in peace to their VAs...

*after everyone shares their favorite superheroes*

Deondre: Those are some pretty creative superheroes you guys have! Anyways, Lily, I have something special for you!

Lily: Really? What is it?

Deondre: A special paintbrush! You do love making art after all!

Lily: It looks so beautiful! Thank you! *hugs Deondre*

Deondre: Why don't you try it out?

Lily: Ok! *paints Miracle Peace*

Urara: It doesn't look like it did a whole lot.

*the painting starts glowing*

Dark Lemonade: It looks like something's happening now!

Irwin: Bring iiiiit...

*the painting comes to life*

Miracle Peace: Huh? Where am I?

Lily: OH MY GOD, SHE CAME TO LIFE! EEEEEEEE!!! *bear hugs Miracle Peace*

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