Episode 142: Hopes and Dreams!

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Haruka: Hello and welcome back, everyone! Episode 142 of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars is now in full bloom! I'm your flourishing host, Princess Haruka Haruna!

Kirara: Nice intro, HaruHaru!

Haruka: Thanks, Kirara!

*Logan appears*

Logan: Hey guys!

Ami and Yumi: Logie!

*you already know what happens next*

Haruka: Ah, Logan! Welcome! It's been a while since you've been in the show! What do you have for us today?

Logan: Well, for my first question, what are your hopes and dreams, guys?

Haruka: Becoming a true princess!

Chloe: Marrying Deondre!

Laura: Becoming Queen of the Grand Ocean!

Quico: Having Patty's heart all to myself! HAHAHAHA!!

Patty: Quico, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't love you! I hate you! I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's constantly being an antagonist!

Chavo: Yeah, so back off!

Quico: *growling*

Nico Yazawa: Well my dream is becoming the best idol in the world! Nico Nico Niiiiiii!

Kim: *slaps Nico* How many times have we told to stop saying that STUPID line?!

Nico Yazawa: Hmph.

Logan: Uh huh... Anyways, that reminds me! I brought Ami and Yumi some sushi!

Ami: Awwwwww! Thanks, Logie!

Yumi: Yeah! Thanks!

*Logan gives the Puffy AmiYumi girls the sushi and they all eat it together*

Dark Rouge: SIMP!!

Dark Aqua: Rouge, shut up! You don't know what that is!

Dark Rouge: Hmph.

Logan: Well aren't you rude?! Anyways, my next question is the same, only it's for the other users!

Emily: Oh ok! I'll bring em in!

Logan: Really? How?

Emily: Like this! SHIA KAZING!!

*Emily summons me, Deondre, Ani, V4 Brando and LRB to the studio*

Deondre: What the hell?! How did I get here?!

Emily: Hi guys! Sorry for the abrupt summon, but Logan has a question for all of you!

Me: Really, what is it?

Logan: What are your hopes and dreams?

Deondre: Well, my dream is to marry my beautiful ice princess, Chloe because I love her with all my heart as well as have lots of adventures with all of you guys and develop special bonds with all of you! Well, except for the antagonists, they suck.

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