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"Okay, so, we only have about five poles and this class has fifteen of you. We're going to have to take turns with who uses the poles first." Jungkook states after everyone gets over the show he just put on for everyone.

"I'll set them up into groups of three." Solar chimes in before walking around the room, counting off while assigning people different numbers. You watch as she walks around the room before making her way towards your side of the room. "Three." She says while gently touching your shoulder. You nod your head and move towards the group of three's.

While the other groups work on getting on the pole and doing different beginner tricks, you're left watching as Solar and Jungkook walk around the studio, helping people up and applying a gel that prevents the metal from getting slippery.

Jungkook is helping lift people onto the pole without breaking a sweat while Solar helps them adjust the placements of their hands and legs and showing them what areas to squeeze with their thighs.

After a few minutes of waiting for your group to go, you end up sitting on the floor, eyeing your phone to check for any text messages from Kai. You let out a soft sigh as you don't see any updates from him. Probably still hanging out with his friends.

"Are we boring you?" you hear a deep voice asking. You look up and your eyes are met with the instructor's black doe eyes. He stares down at you before gesturing for you to get up as he nods his head towards the pole. "It's your turn." You nod and make your way with him towards one of the poles as you place your hand on it.

"What do I do first?"

"Test the grip. Is it slippery?" you wrap your hand around the pole and try running your hand along the pole to test the grip. You tilt your head to the side.

"I think it's a little slippery... my hands are a little sweaty, I'm sorry." You quickly apologize and cover your face as he examines you. He tilts his head to the side.

"Hey, don't worry about it...?" he stares at you, silently asking for your name.


"Y/N. I'll just get some grip and make it easier for you to hold onto, alright? Not something to apologize for." He pats your shoulder gently before going towards the shelf by the door.

You look over at Miyeon who gives you an encouraging thumbs up from the other side of the room, seeing as her turn just ended.

Jungkook gets back with the gel and rubs it along the pole while testing it himself.

"That should be more than enough. You shouldn't have a problem now." He states before setting the bottle of gel by the mirror of the studio. "Alright, Y/N. Let's start by getting you on the pole so we can test your strength."

"Strength? You mean my nonexistent strength?" you ask while placing a hand on the pole. He eyes your body for a few seconds before his eyes trail down to your legs shamelessly. "Um... what are-"

"Your legs are like Solar's. That's a good sign that you have some leg strength on you." He states. "Go ahead and try climbing up it like you're climbing a rope for gym class." He says while gesturing for you to do as he says. You give a quick nod before placing both hands on the pole.

Glancing back at Solar, you see her showing another student to wrap their leg around the pole. You take a deep breath and wrap your leg around it the same way she does. You use your arms to get you up the pole. You make it about three feet off the ground before your arm muscles begin to hurt.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now