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It's now the next pole dancing lesson and you and Jungkook already took pictures of the next pole dancing trick and created fliers for it. You two are curious to see how many people will show up because of it.

You're now entering the studio with Miyeon, talking about her and Soojin.

"So, you two had your lunch together over the weekend?" you question. Miyeon nods and smiles widely upon the mention of Soojin.

"Yeah! It was so fun, Y/N. I can't believe the fact that she looks exactly the same as the last time I saw her..." she mumbles to herself before shaking her head. Her smile hasn't left her face.

"Am I sensing a little... crush?" you question, arching an eyebrow as you look over at her. Miyeon immediately slaps your arm gently.

She isn't very good at hiding her crushes on people.

"Maybe..." she mumbles.

"Ah, but I thought you wanted to go for Jungkook's friend Seokjin?" you question while looking over at her. She shrugs.

"He's very handsome, don't get me wrong..." she states before biting onto her lower lip. "But I had a crush on Soojin back in the day and I don't know... maybe this is a second chance for me to actually do something about it." She states. You arch an eyebrow before smirking as you nod your head.

"Alright. So do you want me to tell Jungkook not to worry about setting you two up then?" she nods.

"Yeah... I just want to see how things go with Soojin." She says while setting her bag into one of the cubbies. You do the same with your purse but keep your change of clothes out. You nod before glancing towards the front of the class, waving at Jungkook. He's talking with one of the students.

He politely excuses himself before making his way over to you. His eyes are lit up as he sees you.

Miyeon gives you a wink before stepping away from you to let the two of you have some time to speak to each other.

Jungkook walks past her as she steps away from you and greets her. She smiles and waves at him before going to an area of the room and starting to stretch for today's lesson.

"So, any good news on the fliers?" you question once Jungkook approaches you. He smiles widely and nods his head.

"We had some new people call to ask if there are enough spots for today's lesson for them!" he says eagerly, voice going up slightly as he gets excited. "I had one group of five people asking if they can come... five! Can you believe that?" you nod your head and smile before leaning up to press your lips against his cheek.

"Yes, I can believe it. Last week's session was more than enough proof." You state. He smiles and nods his head before glancing around as some more students continue to enter the studio. He glances at each student and gives them a wave before looking back at you.

"I really appreciate you helping me get more students, Y/N. You have no idea how much it means to me." he says while staring down at you. You smile widely up at him.

"I just want to support you as best as I can." You say while smiling. He stares down lovingly at you before he speaks up again, taking one of your hands in his.

"How was work, baby?" he questions. You shrug your shoulders before you speak again.

"It was good. Nothing special, nothing stressful." You state. He nods his head. "How about you?"

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now