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You let out a soft sigh and reach for your phone, bottle of red wine still in your other hand.

Unlocking your phone, you see a few texts from Miyeon so you decide to text her and let her know you're okay, just a little tipsy.

Y/N: I'm fine. A little tipsy but fine.

You then go to the social media app that you found Jungkook on.

Arching an eyebrow, you decide to snoop a little.

Once you check your notifications, you see that Jungkook followed you back 19 minutes ago and posted something 20 minutes ago.

Going to his profile, you see what he posted and your jaw drops.

There it is.

A picture of Jungkook at the gym, shirtless.

Your eyes immediately go to his muscular arms, covered in black ink. He has a whole sleeve of tattoos on his right arm, going all the way to his knuckles. His other arm is entirely blank, which allows you to admire the curves of his muscles as he holds up his phone in the image.

It's a mirror picture. He's staring into the camera through the mirror. His black hair is pushed back, a few stray strands of hair hovering over his forehead. He's in black pants and black boots. He's making a face where one side of his mouth is scrunched up, revealing his perfectly white teeth. It looks almost like he's growling based on the positioning of his mouth.

Your eyes then go to his chest.

His perfectly toned chest.

His chest is also a blank canvas but you can tell it won't be blank for long based on the amount of artwork on his arm.

You're not sure if it's the fact that you're single now and are finally allowing yourself to drool over him or if it's because you're intoxicated.

All that you're sure of is that you want his arms on your body.

You bite onto your lower lip as you stare at the image before it hits you.

He chose to post this right before following you back.

Are you going crazy from the alcohol or did he do that on purpose?

You shake your head before deciding not to let your head go there. The world does not revolve around you. Jungkook probably just posted it, saw that you followed, and followed back. He did not plan that.

Besides... how would he have planned that? Did he just take a picture days or weeks or months in advance just to post it when he wanted to? You doubt it.

You decide to just like the image before saving it to your bookmarks because... God knows you'll want to look at that again.

You quickly exit out of the app and take another long sip from the bottle of red wine before looking at the bottle to see how much you've drank so far.

You gulp as you realize that you drank a little more than you thought.

"Time to cut myself off." You say before reaching for the cork to put it back into the bottle. "I'll have more when I have Miyeon to share it with me."

You get up and put the bottle of wine into the fridge before plopping onto the couch.

Once you sit on the couch, you reach for the remote and begin watching TV.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now