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Now that Jungkook's wrists are tied up, you climb back onto his lap as he sits on the bed and stares up at you, anticipating your next move. You smirk down at him before leaning down and pressing your lips against his, feeling his wrists tugging at the restraint in an attempt to touch you.

He responds to the kiss, a soft moan escaping his lips as you begin grinding the lower half of your body against his. You reach your hands up and comb your fingertips through his hair, allowing your hips to move forward and back against him. As you run your fingers through his hair, you internally smirk at the thought of how messy and sexy his hair will be after this.

You pull away from the kiss by gently taking his bottom lip between your teeth, gently tugging on it as you pull away. This causes his upper body to attempt to follow the direction where you're pulling away from. You grin before placing a hand on his chest, stopping him from leaning more forward.

Allowing your hand to trail down his chest, you tilt your head to the side before moving your legs so that you're no longer straddling him, but instead straddling his left thigh.

He widens his eyes as you do this, seeing as how you're only in your underwear. As he gulps while staring up at you, you watch as he hesitates to talk.

"What, baby boy?" you question, urging for him to say what's on his mind.

"You're going to... ride my thigh?" he questions. You smile down at him and nod. "I haven't had a girl do that to me before... so make it good." He mumbles.

You let out a soft laugh.

"Oh don't worry, I'm going to make sure I'm a dripping mess for you by the time I finish riding your thigh." You state before leaning down and placing a kiss against the spot directly underneath his ear. "And then I'm gonna ride your cock like the little slut I am." Jungkook shivers as you say this last part which only makes you more arrogant at how turned on you're getting him.

"You're such a tease." Jungkook says while inhaling sharply.

"And you love it." You respond before you begin moving your hips forward, grinding your clothed core against the material of his pants. You stare down at his thigh as you do so, biting onto your lower lip as you see how toned and fit his thighs are.

You begin moving your hips in different motions from forward and back to circular motions in order to create friction against your clit through the underwear. Letting out a moan, you feel the material of your underwear causing you to get more and more wet as you continue moving your hips against him.

While you're riding his thigh, Jungkook's wrists are tugging at the restraint of the jump rope, attempting to break free of them in order to touch you in any way possible.

He lifts his thigh slightly to respond to your movements, using the extra elevation of his thigh to give you more pleasure as you grind on it. His eyes stare up at you as you moan. He examines every facial expression you make as you grind on him.

His eyes no longer innocent and shining, they're pitch black and filled with lust.

You place one hand on his upper thigh, near his hip and rub your other hand against his member, causing him to thrust upwards again. This causes you to gasp as you begin moving your hips faster against him.

Spreading your legs further, you allow your wetness to begin soaking through the material of your underwear and onto his pants as you grind against his toned thigh.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now