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You're now driving towards Jungkook's house, biting nervously onto your lower lip as you make your way there.

"God I hope I don't make a fool of myself..." you mumble to yourself before letting out a soft sigh.

You tighten your grip on the steering wheel before letting out a soft sigh as you make one last turn into the neighborhood. When you get in, you start driving more slowly to start checking the apartment numbers.

Once you find the correct one, you park underneath the carport. You take a deep breath and take your hands off of the steering wheel before nodding your head.

You got this.

You'll be fine.

You and Jungkook have been hanging out a lot and there is nothing to be nervous about.

You take one last deep breath before reaching for your bag and getting out of your car. Once you get out of the car, you make your way towards the apartment number that Jungkook told you to go to. At the front door, you can feel your stomach getting nervous.

Before you can allow yourself to start overthinking, you immediately press the tip of your index finger against the doorbell.

After a few seconds, the door opens.

Jungkook's head peeks out and he has a wide smile on his face as he stares down at you. You smile up at him and give him a wave.

"Hey beautiful." He says before stepping out of the front door.

He's dressed in a pair of black sweatpants, a white V-neck, and his hair is all tousled and messy. He's wearing a pair of slippers on his feet.

You smile up at him and watch as he steps forward to embrace you into a tight hug. You smile widely when you feel his strong arms wrapped around you. You wrap your arms around his neck and embrace him back, tucking your face into the nape of his neck while you hug him.

You allow your eyes to close as you inhale his scent. Vanilla with a hint of musk.

He slowly pulls away from the hug but leaves one arm wrapped around your waist as he guides you into his apartment. You step inside and take a look around.

Right when you step in, you're greeted by his living room. He has a large, black couch sitting in the middle with a glass coffee table directly placed in front of it. He has a large TV mounted on the wall across from it. There's a few fake plants placed around the corners of the room.

When you step forward a little more, you see the short hallway that leads to his kitchen. His kitchen has white walls and has black cabinets hanging above the sink. His sink is black with the spout made out of silver, stainless metal. You look to the right of the sink and see a stainless steel microwave hanging underneath one of the cabinets. Directly beneath it is his matching stovetop which also operates as an oven.

His fridge is also a stainless steel with a see-through display on the right side of the fridge. You can see a large variety of beverages sitting in this spot of his fridge.

Looking to the right you see another hallway, presumably leading towards his bedroom.

"What do you think?" he suddenly asks. You're in awe.

"Jungkook... are you sure you're not an interior designer for a third job?" you question. This causes Jungkook to immediately laugh before shaking his head.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now