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You're now sitting with Miyeon in her house as she lays on her bed, keeping her ankle elevated.

You volunteered to stay with her and get her anything she needs so she doesn't have to worry about trying to get around the house.

"Can you grab me a blanket? It's freezing in here." Miyeon says as she shivers. You nod your head and get up to grab her a blanket and adjust the temperature in case a blanket doesn't cut it.

While you hand her the blanket, your phone begins buzzing in your pocket.

"Give me a sec." You say while reaching for your phone. "Hello?" you ask while answering.

"Y/N, I've been trying to get ahold of you for days now. Can you please talk to me?" You hear Kai's voice on the other side of the line.

"I'm not ready to talk to you." You say before hanging up the phone immediately.

Miyeon looks up at you.

"I know I hurt my ankle and you're trying to be a good best friend by taking care of me but we both know you're hurting right now too." She says. You immediately shake your head.

"The past few months I've been crying to you over him. All I've been doing is being selfish by not even asking how you're doing and how your love life is." You say. "The least I can do is help take care of you while your ankle is sprained."

She stares up at you, giving you a concerned look as she bites onto her lower lip.

"Okay..." she says quietly before immediately speaking again. "But if you need to talk about it please don't hold it in."

You nod your head and give her a small smile.

Your phone rings again and you automatically decline it, not even bothering to answer it.

The phone continues to go off until you finally grow annoyed, answering after the fourth call.

"Look, Kai, I've heard enough so stop trying to talk to me." You immediately say, not greeting him.

"Uh... hi?" Jungkook asks on the other side of the line.

Upon hearing his voice, you widen your eyes and grow quiet for a few seconds.

You hear a deep laugh on the other side of the line.

"I take it that he's still trying to call you?" he questions. You sigh before nodding your head.

"Yeah." You say.

Miyeon's interest in hearing this conversation has peaked. She's staring up at you with an arched eyebrow before a knowing look forms in her eyes. Her eyebrow stays arched but now a smirk finds its way on her face.

"Is that Jungkook?" she mouths over to you, not making a noise as she mouths this.

You nod your head before focusing your attention back on Jungkook.

"So, what did you need?" you suddenly speak up.

"Just wanted to check in on you." He says.

You gulp and look at Miyeon again.

She's now turned off her TV and is trying her best to fully face you, smirking up at you as she not-so-subtly eavesdrops.

"Oh? Why?" You ask, not wanting to give Miyeon too much to work with here.

"Because that's what friends do for each other. Remember? You said it yourself when Miyeon came in with her sprained ankle."

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now