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"Wait, he dipped you?" Miyeon questions while eating her food. You nod your head and she smirks, some spaghetti sauce on the side of her mouth. When you point towards her napkin, she nods her head before wiping her mouth. "That's so fucking cool, not that I'm surprised though, man's in shape." You let out a soft laugh when she says this before nodding your head in agreement.

"It was so romantic... like a movie." You say while smiling widely to yourself as you think about it, face heating up. Miyeon watches your facial reactions before smiling widely in approval.

"I'm glad you're finally being treated the way you deserve to be treated." She says. "My best friend deserves nothing less."

You smile before nodding your head.

"I feel a little bad though... did you see how upset Jungkook got when he noticed that a lot of people left the class?" you question.

"I saw a little bit of it before Soojin and I started talking more." She responds. "But sometimes things come up and you have to miss classes, kinda like when I sprained my ankle. Things like that are bound to happen but I'm sure next week everyone will be back in class, excited to learn." She states.

"Do you think there's a way we could help?" you ask.

"Help how?" You shrug when she questions this.

"I don't know... by finding more people who would want to go to those classes or something?" you question. She pauses with her spaghetti-covered fork in the air, ready to put it into her mouth. After a second of thinking, she furrows her eyebrows and points her fork in your direction.

"You did take a picture in class today, right?" she questions.


"Can I take a look at it?" you nod.

"Sure," you say before reaching for your phone and searching for the picture. "I'm not sure what this has to do with helping Jungkook and Solar though." You respond before handing her the phone.

She takes it and begins examining the photo before tilting her head to the side.

"Do you think if you made some flyers with the picture of this on it, people would show up?" she questions before putting her fork into her mouth and eating the spaghetti that was hanging on it. You shrug your shoulders.

"I don't know... is it a good enough picture of the pose to do that?" you question. She nods.

"I think so," she says before setting her fork down onto her plate. She holds up her hands and stretches them out in front of her, almost like she's a director explaining her vision for a film. "Think about it. Flyers plastered around town, the picture of the pose along with all of the information about the studio, and it could say 'want to try something adventurous? Stop by!'. I think it'll work." She says before shrugging.

You tilt your head to the side before nodding slowly.

"Yeah... I'm sure there'll be people who might be wanting to finish a bucket list or want to get into shape who would sign up when they see that flyer." You say before a smile finds its way onto your face. "Let's do it."

"Alright! We can start making the flyers tomorrow morning and then get them all posted once we finish!" she says. You nod your head.

"Sounds like a plan!" you say. "By the way, how was your conversation with Soojin? How has she been since you saw her?"

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now