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You're now at the front door of your home.

Looking behind you at Miyeon in her car, you give her a quick wave before unlocking your front door and getting into your home.

Upon entering your home, you let out a soft sigh and make your way towards the bathroom to take a shower before Kai gets here.

While in the shower, you start thinking about the moves that you learned in class today and start mimicking them in the shower.

You smile to yourself as you think about how sexy you'll look when you do this later on with Kai once you two make up and talk.

Upon finishing your shower, you get out of the shower and get dressed into some sweatpants and a loose t-shirt.

You begin putting some hair products in your hair to make sure that your naturally wavy hair didn't come out frizzy after it dries.

Sitting on the couch in your living room, you turn on the TV and start flipping through channels to find something to watch. After flipping through a few channels, you decide to watch a reality show. You lean back in your couch and lift your legs, sitting in the fetal position as you watch TV.

About twenty minutes later, you hear a knock on the door. You eagerly get up and make your way towards the front door. Once you get there, you open it and see Kai standing in front of you, holding roses.

You feel your heart speed up at the sight of him holding roses as he gives you a puppy dog look.

"Hi, baby." He says. You smile widely up at him.

"Hi." You say before stepping to the side as you gesture for him to come in.

You watch as he makes his way in and close the door behind him. You both make your way up the stairs and you can't help but notice the fact that his shirt is tucked in from the back but the front is loose.

You furrow your eyebrows for a few seconds before shaking your head.

He probably just stopped by his place and got changed into something else and was rushing.

Once you get to the top of the stairs, you watch as he immediately sits down on the couch, gesturing for you to sit next to him.

You do.

He immediately gives you the flowers, which you hold in one hand as he takes your other hand in his. You stare up at him, letting out a soft sigh. He bites nervously onto his lower lip.

"I'm sorry." He starts. "I shouldn't lie about where I am and I shouldn't miss our date nights, even though I didn't know we were having one." You furrow your eyebrows at the sound of his apology.

"I don't know why you mentioned the second part of that." You immediately say. "I don't expect you to drop plans for me, you know that right?"

"It seemed like you wanted me to when you saw me earlier." He says. You lean a little bit away from him and tilt your head to the side, eyebrows still furrowed.

"I never said that though." You say. "I just would appreciate it if you told me that you were busy so I could make plans too or plan a spa night for myself, that's all." You say.

"So, you don't mind me having a guys' night?" you shake your head.

"I have girls' night all the time. I don't mind that." You say. "Just don't lie about where you are, just be upfront about it." You say.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now