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"Y/N, I promise you, you're going to love this class!" Miyeon says as she grabs your hand, pulling you with her towards the studio as you nervously follow behind.

"Miyeon! My boyfriend doesn't even know I'm here!" you say as you struggle to follow behind her as she pushes the doors open to the studio. Sighing, you look around the studio filled with a small group of other people.

Everyone's eyes lock on the two of you as you two burst into the studio. Your eyes are wide while Miyeon is smiling at everyone.

"Hi, sorry that we're late. My friend decided to join me last minute." She says as she gestures back towards you. You freeze in your spot as everyone now looks only at you. A few women stick their noses up at you, giving you dirty looks as you nervously look towards the front of the dance studio.

Miyeon ignores the stares and starts slipping her shoes off. She glances back at you upon noticing your frozen state. Her eyes are filled with worry as she looks back at you.

"Y/N, take your shoes off." She states while her eyes alternate between looking at your face and your feet. You nod your head and slowly everyone's attention is off of you as everyone begins stretching. Their conversations move onto a topic that isn't you, which you're thankful for.

"Miyeon, I can't believe you got me to come to this class." You say while slipping your shoes off. She rolls her eyes at your statements before looking back at you.

"Don't worry, I was nervous during my first class too, but this is a beginners' course. You'll be fine." She says while gently patting your shoulder. "Besides, don't you think Kai will appreciate it if you actually learn something in this class and can test it out on him?" she teases while gently nudging her hip against yours. The movement causes you to nod your head.

"So... how do we warm up, anyways?" you question while looking at the metal bars hanging in the room.

"That would be my job." A voice speaks up from behind you. You turn around and see a really fair girl with long black hair. She gives you a wide smile, eyes crinkling as she does so. You can't help but notice the little dimple that forms on her face as she smiles at you. You smile back and she makes her way towards the front of the class.

She's dressed in a sports bra and a pair of black leggings. Her abs are the most defined abs you've seen on a woman before in your life. It causes you to look down at your stomach as you poke at the skin on your stomach through the loose t-shirt you're wearing.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm going to be one of your instructors for the pole dancing session today. My name is Solar." She states as she waves at everyone. "Your other instructor will be here shortly, but for now, I'll help all of you warm up."

She starts showing you all some ways to stretch your arms, legs and torso area to prepare to start using the pole.

She starts off by having all of you do windmill motions with your arms before stretching your arms across your torsos. Then, she starts to twist her body from side to side as you all follow her directions.

As for the legs, you are forced to bend over as far as you can to stretch out the muscles in your legs because, according to Solar, a lot of the leg muscles are used during pole dancing.

You, an amateur, had assumed that most of the strength came from the arms. But hey, she's the expert here.

As you're bent over and stretching out, you hear the door that you and Miyeon had just entered from opening. You glance up in the mirror, your vision a little distorted from the position you're in.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now