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You let out a soft sigh as you hear the doorbell going off.

Rushing towards the door, you open it immediately and see Kai standing there.

He opens his mouth to speak. You grab his hand and pull him into your home.

He steps forward as you do so and stares down at you, giving you a small smile.

"Hi." He says. You nod your head towards the direction of your couch as you walk with him towards that area. He sits down on the couch with you.

Your body is facing his and his is facing yours as you sit on the couch, knees touching each other.

"I'm so sorry for what I said." He says immediately before shaking his head at his actions. "It was an accident; I really didn't mean to call you someone else's name... especially not my ex-girlfriend."

You nod your head and stare over at him before sighing.

"You've been so distant with me lately... what's going on, Kai?" you question. "I get wanting time with the guys but being so distant and then calling me your ex's name is so suspicious." You say.

He nods his head and gulps.

"I know this is pathetic and unacceptable," he says before shaking his head, running his fingers through his hair as he looks away from you. "I think it's because one of my friends reminded me the other day that my anniversary with Jennie was this week. I think it fucked with my head."

You merely arch your eyebrow as you stare over at him.

"And what does that have to do with us?" you immediately question.

"It's why I think I've been acting weird lately." He says before shaking his head. "I know I shouldn't even be thinking about her or that but it's just been something that's been bugging me."

You stare at the man, silently judging him and holding in anger as you do so.

Why is he even letting something like that bother him?

They broke up so long before you two started dating; he had time to get over her and move on.

"I know, I'm so sorry." He immediately says before he reaches his hands up towards his face and covers his face with the palms of his hands. "It's so ridiculous but I promise you," he says before turning to face you. He takes your hands in his and stares into your eyes. "I love you; I'm not interested in getting back with her whatsoever."

You press your lips together as you think.

"So this is a 'Somebody Else' by The 1975 situation." You state. He immediately shakes his head.

"I don't give a shit if she's seeing anyone. I don't care what she's doing."

"If you don't care, then what's the deal here? I'm not a moron."

"I'm just scared of fucking things up with you the same way I did with her." You inhale a deep breath before sighing and shaking your head.

"You know, Kai, by thinking about her when with me is going to inevitably put you in that same spot." You say. "I feel insecure when you think about her... it makes me question whether or not I'm good enough for you."

Kai stares over at you.

"You're always good enough for me." he says. "You're incredible and so perfect for me." he says.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now