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You're now in the parking lot of a breakfast restaurant.

It's now the next day and you're still sore from the activities you and Jungkook did the night before.

Three rounds with Jungkook almost made you miss this brunch this morning.

Sighing to yourself as you smile and think about Jungkook, you pull out your phone.

Y/N: Hi baby, I just parked and am about to head in

Jungkook 🥰🥰🥰: Glad to hear you made it safely baby

You smile softly before looking up at the restaurant. Taking a deep breath, you decide that you've stalled long enough and need to go in there.

Jungkook sends another text.

Jungkook 🥰🥰🥰: Let me know if you need me to pick you up or anything 😊

You smile before nodding your head and tucking your phone into your pocket.

Stepping out of your car, you carry your purse in hand and make your way towards the entrance.

"Good morning! How can I help you?" the waiter immediately questions.

"I'm here to meet a friend. I have a reservation under Y/N." you state. He nods before looking down at his computer to check for the reservation.

"Ah, right this way." He says before grabbing a menu for you. He leads the way towards a table outside that has a beautiful view of a park next to it.

At the table, you see Jennie sitting patiently and scanning through the menu as she waits for you.

She glances up and smiles up at you, greeting you with a wave. You smile before sitting down at the table as the waiter places your menu on the table.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he questions.

"Just a water for me, please." You say before looking over at Jennie. He nods before taking off to serve his other tables. "Hi." You say.

"Hey!" Jennie says.

You take a second to notice her change in appearance since you last saw her.

She's cut her hair so it's not as long now. It's still black, just shorter.

She's dressed in a cute blue-green bralette with a jean jacket covering it. She's also wearing a denim bucket hat on her head and has a Chanel purse sitting on the table in front of her.

"How have you been?" You question while looking over at her. She shrugs.

"Some days are good, some are bad." She states before glancing up at you. She remains quiet for a few seconds. You do the same to allow her to vent about any feelings that she may be hiding. "It's just that some days I wake up thinking I'm not enough or I deserved this."

There it is.

The same emotions you had.

The same thoughts you had.

From another beautiful girl.

You smile sympathetically.

"I know the feeling," you say before letting out a soft sigh. "You wake up some mornings and you think 'I'm the baddest bitch alive and it's his loss' and others you think 'what could I have done to prevent it? Am I not pretty, or just not as pretty as other girls.' I totally get it." You state. She smiles softly as you say this and you can see that her eyes don't match her smile.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now