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You let out a soft groan when you start waking up from the sunlight peeking into the room. Rolling onto your other side, you sigh as you press your upper body against the surprisingly hard pillow lying next to you. You allow your face to bury itself into the hard pillow and attempt to fall back asleep.

"Morning sunshine." You hear, which causes you to furrow your eyebrows.

Then it hits you: you're still in Jungkook's room.

Your eyes immediately open wide and you look up at the man staring down at you. His hair is even messier than last night and he has a groggy voice this morning. You glance down and see that he's still shirtless and that you fell asleep naked underneath his covers.

"Good morning." You say while looking up at him, still in shock over what happened. He smiles down at you.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks before stretching his arms up. This causes you to shift on the bed once his arm moves away from your body.

"Yeah, I slept well." You say before biting onto your lower lip. "How about you?"

"I slept well." He says before leaning down and pressing his lips against your forehead. "Do you want me to order us some breakfast? We can have it delivered." He says.

You glance at the clock on the nightstand near his bed and tilt your head to the side.

10:37 AM.

"Hm..." you take a second to think before nodding your head. "Yeah, I can stay for breakfast. Do you mind if I shower first though and brush my teeth first?" you ask. He nods his head.

"Oh! Yeah, you can." He says before he starts getting out of his bed. When he gets up, he reaches for his shirt and starts getting dressed. "Did you bring all of the stuff that you use or do you need me to pick up some stuff for you?" he asks.

This causes you to smile widely when you hear this.

"I brought everything I need in my purse." You say.

"Okay, cool." He says while smiling. "I'll start ordering our food then. What do you want for breakfast?"

Would 'you' be a good answer?

"An omelet with a side of bacon, please." You say. This causes him to let out a soft laugh and nod his head.

"Alright." He says before he shrugs his shoulders. "I'm going to start ordering that. Let me know if you need anything." He says. You nod your head and watch as he makes his way out of the room to start ordering the food in the living room. You smile softly before you get out of bed and grab your purse containing your skincare, travel-sized toothpaste and a toothbrush, shower essentials, and a change of clothes.

You make your way into the bathroom across the hall and glance to the kitchen where you see Jungkook on the phone, facing the window as he talks. You smile softly before stepping into the bathroom, turning on the light before locking the door behind you.

As you start getting everything you need out of your bag, you look at yourself in the mirror and tilt your head to the side.

You're glowing.

Your skin is glowing and your eyes look a little brighter today.

You let out a happy sigh before stepping into the shower with your necessary products.

While inside, you hum along to a song and make sure to wash your hair and body.

As you hum along to the song, you can't help but smile to yourself from the amount of stress that was relieved from your body.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now