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It's now the next morning and your alarm clock is going off.

You let out a groan and turn over on your bed, hand mindlessly slapping against your bedside table before eventually turning the alarm off. Letting out a sigh of relief now that the noise has stopped, you turn back over to lay on your back as you stare up at the ceiling, thinking about last night.

You let out a sigh as you think about everything Kai said along with Jungkook's text.

Deep down, if you were mentally and emotionally fine right now, you know you'd be thinking rationally.

However, because Kai has started projecting his own mistakes and faults onto you, you're left questioning whether you've been a good girlfriend to both Kai and Jungkook.

Taking a deep breath, you continue staring at the ceiling for what feels like minutes. However, before you know it, your backup alarm is now going off, indicating that you have forty-five minutes to get ready and drive to work.

Mustering up the energy to get out of bed, you rub at your eyes before going to your bathroom to brush your teeth, shower, and do your skincare. Once all of these things are done, you stare at yourself in the mirror and decide to wear a little more makeup than usual. You put actual foundation on today rather than using a light coverage BB cream or skin tint. You put on a little more concealer and powder as well.

Once your makeup is finished and you feel as though you've covered your physical flaws, you go into your room and get dressed into a matching black blazer and pair of bottoms. You fix your hair by putting it up in a tight bun before grabbing your phone.

Two more texts from Jungkook.

Jungkook : Baby? Is everything okay?

Jungkook : I'm hoping you just fell asleep. I'll come by in the morning before work to make sure you're okay. Goodnight baby.

Your heart sinks as you realize the worry you've caused him. You're ready to start making yourself some breakfast before you hear a knock on the door.

You go to open it and see Jungkook standing there.

This is the first time he's been over dressed in his day-job clothes.

He's wearing a pair of black slacks, a black dress shirt and his hair is gelled back. You can see that he's wearing a little concealer and his signature cologne. He smiles when you open the door.

He's holding a small bag and an iced coffee.

"Good morning, baby." He says while smiling. You give him a fake smile before stepping aside so he can come into your place. You close the door behind him and make your way to the living room with him. He sets down the bag and coffee. "I'm glad you're okay, I got a little worried because you never texted me goodnight." He states.

"I'm sorry." You immediately answer, feeling guilty as Kai's words get to you.

You are a bad girlfriend.

You gulp while Jungkook merely shrugs, getting the food out of the bag for you.

"That's okay, I figured you were just really tired from teaching last night." He glances over at you while grinning. "Which, by the way, I'm still really proud of how you helped last night."

"You are?" He nods before he slides your breakfast over to you. He bought you a blueberry muffin and some oatmeal.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted something sweet or something healthy so I just got both and figured you could save the other for tomorrow's breakfast," he starts before he smiles. "Or if you happened to be really hungry, you'd have both." He says. You smile softly.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now