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You're now standing at the front of the class, biting onto your lower lip as you stare at the students. The students are staring back at you while Jungkook warms up.

You gulp before looking over at him as well, not wanting to get too nervous.

"Alright, everyone." Jungkook states. "Today, we're going to be learning a move called the Butterfly." He states. You take a second to remember what this pose is before realizing that it's a somewhat easier move than the Brass Monkey that he showed you a while ago.

You watch as Jungkook explains the move to everyone before he gestures towards you.

"Y/N will be demonstrating it today." You nod your head and grin before stepping towards the pole. You climb up as Jungkook explains how to get into the position to the class. You wrap your legs around the pole before releasing the pole with your hands to let yourself hang upside down. You then place both hands back onto the bottom of the pole.

You unwrap one of your legs from the pole and place the pole behind your knee of your other leg. Allowing your legs to spread a little, you bend the leg that isn't on the pole and glance over at Jungkook while he explains.

He looks over at you and smiles widely before nodding his head.

"Notice how Y/N climbs the pole first and uses her legs to flip upside down. I'll be here to help you all get into the upside down position." He states before stepping closer to you, gesturing towards your legs. "You want to make sure you bend your legs and use the back of your knee to hold onto the pole. Does anyone have any questions?"

You listen to the questions that people ask while staying in this position. You can feel the blood rushing to your head. Jungkook steps over to you and gently taps on your leg, indicating that you can get down when someone asks how you get down from this position.

You move your leg forward to move the pole away from the back of your knee. Using the little ab strength that you have, you lower your legs to the floor while holding the pole. You keep your hands wrapped tightly around the pole as you do this.

By the time your feet are on the ground, your upper body is still bent forward. You fully stand up and look at the students, feeling your face heat up from being upside down for so long.

The students stare in awe at you as you do this.

"I don't know if I can do that..." a student mumbles. Jungkook hears it and laughs softly.

"I don't expect any of you to get up or down without me helping you. If you manage to do it on your own, then I'll be really impressed. However, there's nothing wrong with needing help to get up and down, this is a beginners' course after all." Jungkook states.

You nod your head and speak up as well.

"Yeah, when I first started classes here, Jungkook was always helping everyone when getting on and off the pole. Also, if you're not comfortable with him helping, he can just stand near you to supervise just in case of emergency." You state.

The students look over at you and nod their heads before discussing amongst themselves. You look over at Jungkook and he gives you a small wink, silently thanking you for backing him up. You smile and nod your head.

"So," Jungkook says while clapping his hands together after a few minutes of the students discussing. "Is everyone ready to learn this trick?" The students agree and Jungkook smiles. "Great, Y/N and I will be walking around to help."

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now