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You're now about to walk into the restaurant with Jungkook. You take a deep breath and Jungkook gently squeezes your hand before leading the way to the area to reserve a table.

"Hello." The waiter says. "Table for two?"

"Hi, we're actually meeting a group today. The table is under Kim Namjoon." Jungkook states. You glance around the restaurant and see that it has some tables indoors and a lot outside as well. It's a little busier today with it being a weekend.

"Ah, right this way." The waiter leads the way to the table where Jungkook's friends are already at. You bite nervously onto your lower lip.

You two are led outside to a large table. There's already four other people sitting at the table.

"And here you are." The waiter gestures towards the table. Jungkook thanks the waiter. "Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

"I'll have a water, please." Jungkook states. The waiter nods before looking over at you.

"I'll have an iced tea." You state. The waiter nods and goes back into the restaurant.

"Jungkook!" a voice says. Jungkook takes your hand and immediately walks to the side of the table where the four men are.

"Hoseok! How are you doing, man?" Jungkook asks.

"I'm doing alright! How about you, bro?" he questions. Jungkook smiles widely.

"I'm doing great." Jungkook responds. "Everyone, this is Y/N." Jungkook says while gesturing towards you. The four men immediately go to look at you.

"Hi." You say while smiling shyly.

"Hello!" Hoseok stands up and immediately walks over to you. "Jungkook has told us so much about you. I'm so excited to finally meet you!" he says, which makes you immediately feel less nervous.

"Jungkook has told me a lot about all of you too." You say. Hoseok smiles before looking at Jungkook. "I've actually already heard a lot about you, Hoseok since you also work at the studio. I'm a student in the pole dancing classes with Jungkook and Solar."

"Not just a student, she's now an assistant too." Jungkook mentions.

"Oh really? Well, hopefully you can take more of my classes then, Y/N!" he then looks over at Jungkook. "You didn't tell us she was prettier in person!" Hoseok says while gently smacking Jungkook's arm. Jungkook lets out a soft laugh as you smile when he says this.

One already likes you. That's good.

"I'm Yoongi." You hear a deep voice and look over to see a man resembling the description that Jungkook gave you. "It's nice to meet you."

"Hi, Yoongi, it's nice to meet you as well." You immediately say. "Jungkook mentioned you like producing music?" Yoongi's eyebrows raise. You can tell he's surprised that you knew that as he looks over at Jungkook. He appears to be impressed.

"Yeah, I love producing music."

"What instruments do you play?" you immediately question.

"Oh... um... I play piano and I'm learning guitar." He states.

"I played a little bit of guitar growing up. My mom had me learn." You state. "I still have a 1961 Gretsch White Penguin guitar that she got me." Yoongi's eyes widen when you say this.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now