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You're now with Jungkook at a restaurant three days later. You two are scanning the menu as you talk.

"Are you ready to learn a new trick tonight?" Jungkook questions as he stares over at you. You arch an eyebrow as he mentions this and you tilt your head to the side.

"Another new trick? For the flyers?" you question. He nods. "Trying to get new students so you can replace me as the teacher's pet, huh?" Jungkook lets out a laugh as you say this before shaking his head.

He glances around the restaurant before immediately leaning forward, gesturing for you to do the same.

You lean forward as he says and he speaks in a soft, whisper tone.

"No one could ever replace you as my teacher's pet." He says before licking his lips. "No one could give me the feeling that you do... both emotionally and sexually speaking."

"Prove it." You state while leaning your chin on the palm of your hand. He smiles softly, glancing down at the table before looking back up.

"Is meeting my friends in two weeks not enough proof, baby?" he questions. You bite onto your lower lip before shrugging.

"It is an honor to meet your friends," you start before speaking again. "But I think I've earned my spot as teacher's pet to help with some of the lessons." You state. This causes Jungkook to raise his eyebrows as he stares over at you.

"Really?" he questions as you nod. "You were just saying a few days ago how you're not ready for that. Are you sure?"

"Well, with the extra lessons that we've been doing to attract business and the fact that I go in twice a week now... I think you've done it, Jeon Jungkook."

"Done what?"

"Given me the confidence to actually consider doing it." You state while looking over at him. He smiles as you say this before nodding his head slowly.

"Good, you should be confident; you're incredible." He states before leaning back, no longer leaning forward onto the table in front of the two of you. He takes a second to think before he eventually nods his head. "Okay. I'll talk to Solar about it. You can start off as an assistant. Baby steps." You nod your head and smile widely as he says this.

"Yes! Thank you." You say while clapping your hands together excitedly. Jungkook lets out a soft laugh at your reaction, staring over at you with adoring eyes.

You smile over at him, also staring at him with adoration in your eyes.

The waitress approaches with your meals and tries to carefully not interrupt the moment. She gently places your plates in front of the two of you as she smiles to herself. Another employee at the restaurant walks past after she sets the food down. You can hear the two of them talking.

"The couple at that table reminds me of my fiancé and I when we started dating." She whispers. You bite onto your lip when you hear this. The coworker glances over at you and Jungkook before nodding her head with a small grin.

"It's nice to see a happy couple for once." She states before the two step back towards the kitchen area of the restaurant.

You smile to yourself while looking down at the plate of food sitting in front of you.

"You heard that too?" Jungkook questions, noticing the smile on your face. You look up and make eye contact with him before softly laughing and nodding your head. He smiles, shaking his head before picking up his glass of water. He holds it up, indicating that he's giving a small toast.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now