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You wake up the next morning very happy and eager for the day to start.

It's a Saturday and you can spend the day having fun and relaxing.

Letting out a soft sigh, you smile to yourself before getting out of bed to get ready for the day.

After a nice, hot shower and a thorough brushing of your teeth and skincare routine, you make your way into the kitchen. Glancing around the kitchen, you look at the many things you could make for yourself before deciding to make yourself a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich for breakfast.

Your phone begins ringing a few minutes into your meal which causes you to furrow your eyebrows as you glance down at it.

That is, until you realize it's Miyeon.

"Hello?" you immediately answer the phone.

"Ah, good morning. You sound very happy this morning." You can hear Miyeon's smile on the other side of the line, causing you to smile widely as you bite onto your lower lip. You nod your head to yourself before realizing she can't see you.

"I sure am." You respond. "Are you by any chance calling to get the details about my date last night?" you question.

"You bet your lazy ass I am." She responds causing you to laugh.

"Well, don't you think it'd be better to hear about it in person?"

"Ah, are you offering to cook breakfast for me, Mrs. Jeon?" she teases. You roll your eyes while smiling.

"Jeez, Miyeon, it was one date. No one said anything about becoming Mrs. Jeon." You respond. "But yes, I'm offering to cook breakfast so you can hear all of the details while you eat. Are you free to come over?"

"I will be over in about ten minutes." She responds before hanging up, causing you to let out a soft laugh before finishing your sandwich before getting up to start making her one.

In the middle of assembling the sandwich on the plate is when the doorbell goes off. You glance over at the front door before making your way towards the front door with the plate in hand. Opening the front door is when you're greeted by a wide smirk from your best friend as she stares in your direction. She's still in her pajamas with her hair tied up in a messy ponytail. You wave the sandwich in front of her face which causes her to arch her eyebrow.

"Ah, you said you'd cook for me and you make me this?" she questions. You narrow your eyes at her for a second before speaking.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood, bitch." You respond before stepping to the side so she can enter your place. You close the door behind her as she steps in. "I said I'd cook for you, I never said you'd have a choice in what I cook for you."

You hand her the plate before making your way to the couch. You plop onto it before patting on the empty seat next to you.

"Now, are you ready to hear the details?"

"Oh, I'm sure the details of this should fill the rest of my appetite." She responds before taking a large bite of the sandwich, nearly eating half of it with one bite. This causes you to widen your eyes for a second before shaking your head as you turn your attention away from her eating and back to the memories from last night.

"So, where should I start? Do you want to hear about where the date was first or should I start from when he picked me up?"

"Definitely start from the beginning. I like knowing the full story." She responds.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now