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You're now standing in the middle of the class, staring over at Jungkook as he teaches.

He claps his hands together as he speaks.

"Alright, next step is going to be showing you all how to use your favorite parts of your body to your advantage." He states before grinning. "For example, I like my thighs." He says while gesturing to his legs.

"Kinda hard to see them with your sweatpants, instructor-nim." A girl suddenly speaks up from the other side of the room.

Jungkook shyly scratches the back of his neck while letting out an awkward laugh.

"Ah, you can't exactly wear tight jeans to a pole dancing class... would be a little hard to get up the pole, don't you think?" Jungkook answers back in an attempt to dodge the flirting.

The girl merely smirks at his shyness while crossing her arms.

After a few seconds, Jungkook clears his throat and begins speaking again.

"Anyways," he states before beginning to demonstrate. "Like I was saying, my favorite trait on myself is my thighs. So, a way to accentuate them while doing sexy dance moves is by doing something like this."

He starts doing the body rolls that Hoseok taught next door before moving one of his free hands to his inner thigh, gliding his hand up his thigh as he does the body roll. His other hand is running through his hair as he does the body roll.

You can't help but ogle at him as you stare at him, jaw dropping slightly before you quickly shake your head, reminding yourself that you have a boyfriend. This causes you to close your mouth.

You love Kai.

Kai is sexy. Kai is sweet...

Even though Kai lied about something today, you still love him and nothing can change that.

You continue to watch Jungkook, keeping Kai in your mind.

Jungkook stops his movements and looks up at the people watching.

The women who were watching are now silent, most of them having their mouths open as they clearly drool over him.

Most of the men merely nod their heads and are now looking in the mirror to figure out what parts of their bodies they want to accentuate while doing sexy dance moves.

The remainder of the men are staring blankly at Jungkook, either questioning their sexuality or are confirming their sexuality.

As you glance around the room, you hold in a laugh.

"This is hilarious." You murmur to Miyeon.

She doesn't respond for a few seconds which causes you to snap your head in her direction to see why she isn't answering.

She's staring over at Jungkook, face blank.

"Oh no, not you too." You say.

Letting out a soft sigh, you look up at Jungkook.

To your surprise, Jungkook looks at you the exact moment you look at him.

He lets out a soft laugh, his face transforming from sexy and intimidating to a cute, youthful face.

When he smiles, he has bunny teeth and his eyes crinkle as he laughs.

The way his laugh sounds when it escapes his lips confuses you. It sounded like a giggle almost, not like the laugh you expected to hear from him when he laughed.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now