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It's now Friday again and you're sitting at your desk waiting for the big hand on the clock to hit the 12.

In about 10 minutes, you get off work and can get ready for your date with Jungkook to go to a tango dance lesson.

Throughout the week, Namjoon has been teasing you about the picture he took of Jungkook. He would make little remarks asking if the lighting was good, if he got the right angle of all of his tattoos, and even went as far as to ask if he should've just FaceTimed you while Jungkook looked that way.

You tolerated the jokes because you know he was just trying to get a reaction from you so he could tell Jungkook about it.

Sighing, you stare over at the clock, work projects already on your boss's desk and your bag packed and ready to go.

You brought a change of clothes for the dance class and Miyeon even came over yesterday to make sure the outfit was good.

At the last pole dancing class, Jungkook was paying a little extra attention to you than usual. He would help another student in the class then rush over to you. He would ask you to show him what you learned and smile. If he noticed you struggling with something, he would even go as far as to take you to a pole that wasn't in use by other students to help you.

Today, you have the date before your pole dancing lesson.

This makes things easier for when you have to get dressed into the matching fitness outfit Miyeon picked out.

It was something unlike the usual clothes you wore at the other dance lessons. Usually, you'd wear a sports bra and black leggings or sweatpants. The outfit Miyeon picked, however, was a sports bra with a little bit of a more detailed design with a little less fabric around the cleavage area. The matching biker shorts were tighter than what you're used to wearing and, according to Miyeon, make your butt look bigger.

"What are you still doing here?" you hear a voice suddenly, causing you to snap yourself out of your thoughts. You look up and see Namjoon with an eyebrow raised. "Don't you have a date in about 30 minutes?" Namjoon questions.

You smile before rolling your eyes as you stand up from your desk, eagerly grabbing your bag with one hand as the other tucks your chair underneath the desk.

"Yes, I do." You respond before gesturing towards the watch on your wrist. "And thanks to those pictures you took, I ended up daydreaming and lost track of the time." You say.

"Ah, the one downside of being a good photographer." You let out a laugh at his statement before rushing to make your way towards the elevator. "Have a good weekend!" he says.

"You too!" you respond before pushing the button on the elevator to close the doors and the button that takes you to the parking garage level.

The elevator doors slowly close and you bite onto your lower lip as you excitedly await for the elevator to arrive. You glance at your reflection in the metal material making up the elevator and you can't help but notice how much wider and brighter your smile is.

Compared to when you were dating Kai, your smile never shined like this. However, after just one date with Jungkook, you're already smiling like a little kid who just got a gift that they wanted from Santa Claus.

The elevator doors slowly open and you're greeted by a fellow employee about to get on the elevator to head back up. You give them a friendly smile before rushing towards your car.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now