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You're now at work at the end of the week.

Miyeon's doctor said to wait until next Friday to go to the pole dancing sessions again.

You got dressed up a little differently for work today since your first Friday date with Kai is tonight. You're dressed in a cute black dress with a pair of black high heels. You styled your hair by putting in some styling product to enhance your natural curls. You're wearing a cute silver necklace and a pair of silver earrings.

"You about finished for the day?" you hear a voice near you. You look up and see Namjoon, one of your coworkers giving you a dimpled smile. You nod your head and give him a friendly smile.

Namjoon is the coworker you've had a crush on since starting at the company.

He has the cutest dimples when he smiles and he's so intelligent. It's hard for anyone in the office to not have a crush on him.

"Yeah, I'm about done for the day. Thanks for your help with that report earlier, by the way." You say to him. He grins and nods his head.

"No problem." He says before gesturing towards your dress. "You look very nice today. Got a hot date tonight?" he teases. You feel your face heating up as you think about your date tonight with Kai. You nod.

"Yeah, my boyfriend, Kai, is on his way." Namjoon nods his head.

"Ah, date nights are always fun." He says before pointing towards the exit. "Well, I'd better get going for the day. Have a great weekend." You smile up at him.

"Thank you, Namjoon. Have a great weekend too." You say before hearing your phone ringing as Namjoon walks out of the office.

Kai 🥰: I'm in the lobby baby.

You smile widely before putting your phone back into your purse. After you finish putting away all of the things at your desk, you quickly get up and make your way to the same glass doors that Namjoon exited out of.

You see Kai standing there in a black dress shirt with some work pants. His hair is slicked back with a few stray strands of hair hanging over his forehead.

Biting onto your lower lip, you feel yourself growing excited for this date once you see how he's dressed.

"Kai!" you say before walking over to him, immediately pressing your lips onto his. He presses his lips onto yours, embracing you.

"Hi baby, how was work?" he questions. You smile up at him and shrug your shoulders.

"Work was work. How about you?" you ask.

"It was busy but I got everything I needed done so I can focus all of my attention on you." He says while gently tapping his index finger on your nose. You smile widely up at him, eyes sparkling as you stare up at him.

He smiles down at you before reaching his hand down to take your hand in his. He brings your hand up towards his face as he presses his lips against the back of your hand. Your face heats up as you blush while he kisses the back of your hand.

Biting onto your lower lip, you gesture behind him.

"Should we get going?" you ask. He nods his head before intertwining your fingers in his and leading the way towards the exit.

Once you two exit, he opens the car door for you before getting into the driver's seat.

"So... who was that?" he questions suddenly while driving. You glance over at him and furrow your eyebrows, dumfounded by his question. He doesn't take his eyes off the road as he drives.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now