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"So, the art of the tango is to be in sync with your partner." Soojin begins explaining. "The trick is knowing whether your partner is moving forward or back. If they're moving forward, you take a step back with the foot opposite of theirs."

Soojin steps close to you two.

"Jungkook, take a step forward with your left foot." When he does this, you catch on and take a step back with your right foot. Soojin arches an eyebrow before nodding her head proudly. "Ah, already a fast learner. You two are probably going to be the easiest couple to teach. You already have a connection with each other's movements."

"Well, I do teach one of her dancing courses." Jungkook says with a laugh. You smile and nod your head before taking the opportunity to tease him.

"Not well, might I add." This causes Soojin to let out a soft laugh and reach her hand up to cover her mouth as she laughs. Jungkook, however, arches an eyebrow before tilting his head to the side.

"Oh, is that so?" you nod. "If I'm so bad, maybe you could have Solar teach you..." he teases before shrugging. "But you won't get the same thrill out of it."

"And what makes you say I won't get a thrill out of it?"

"Because you wouldn't be blushing as much in class so you won't be as focused on making sure you look good while doing the moves."

"Hey now," you say while teasingly poking the tip of your index finger into his chest. "I look more than good while doing those moves. I look sexy." This causes Jungkook to smirk momentarily while he breaks eye contact before stepping a little closer to you.

"You're damn right, you do." He mumbles into your ear, causing your face to heat up as you gulp. "Ah, see? There's that thrill."

"Should I leave the room? You two already have more than enough heat without the tango dance moves." Soojin teases.

"No!" you nervously exclaim. This causes Jungkook to chuckle under his breath while Soojin merely smiles.

"Alright then, shall we get back to the lesson?" you both nod. "Okay, next is the positioning of the body. Jungkook, your arm should be rested on Y/N's lower back... right about here." She says as she reaches for his arm, placing it around your lower back. Jungkook nods and leaves his arm there once she removes her hand from it.

"And the other?" He questions.

"The other goes to the side with Y/N's hand in yours." She says while reaching for his other arm and your hand. She places his hand in yours, which you immediately hold. "Now, make sure you're slightly bending the elbows. You don't want your arms to be straight out, it looks awkward." She says while adjusting your arms. She bends your elbows a little so that the placement is correct.

"And my other arm goes... here?" you ask before placing your other hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"See, you two are making my job way too easy at this point." She says while giving a thumbs up. You nod and smile softly before looking up at Jungkook.

He's smiling while staring down at you.

"I knew Solar and I were right when we said you were a good learner."

"And that's why I'm your favorite, huh?" you question. He nods his head while staring down at you. His eyes sparkle as they stare down at you.

You can only describe the look as him staring at you like you've just stolen his heart and he doesn't want it back.

"Okay, are you two ready to try the steps to a count?" she questions.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now