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"Man, I can't believe how great class was!" Jungkook says as he walks into your place with you. You smile as you lock the door behind him and step into your place as well.

"I can't believe you want to teach me a new trick already for next month's flyers." You say while letting out a soft laugh.

"You can't blame me for wanting to get ahead. I just want to start planning now so we don't stress later on." He says, causing you to nod your head and smile. You step into the living room and see Jungkook looking at the pole with his hand resting on his chin. "I got it!" he says before stepping towards you.

"Got what?"

"An idea for a pose." He says. "I can show it to you after I thank you for the first flyers." He says while resting his hands on your waist. He smiles down at you and starts pressing his lips against yours. You press your lips onto his and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Ah, I'm definitely ready for that." You mumble against his lips.

"How does my girl want me to thank her?" he asks, causing you to smirk as you pull away from his lips and bite onto your lower lip.

"I would like... a private showing of your pole dancing skills." You say, causing him to arch an eyebrow as he stares down at you. "I want you to do some tricks for me and then I want to be in charge today." You say. You watch as his eyes light up when you mention wanting to be in charge.

"Hm... I'd love to have you in charge." He responds before licking his lips as he looks down at you. You smirk up at him. After a few seconds of staring up into his eyes, you can't resist anymore and lean in to press your lips against his. He immediately responds by letting his lips press against yours.

You two continue kissing for a few more seconds, with his tongue occasionally brushing against your lower lip. Letting out a pleased sigh against his lips, you reach your hands up and allow your fingertips to brush along his biceps. He smirks against your lips before you pull away and grab his hand, pulling him towards the pole.

Once you get at the pole, you leave him standing by the pole and sit on the couch, crossing one of your legs over the other. You gesture towards the pole, silently telling him to start putting on a show for you.

You watch as the man smiles down at you, shaking his head for a second before he places his hand on the pole. He tightens his grip around the metal material to see if it's slippery. After this, he reaches for the grip gel you placed on the coffee table. He gathers some on his hand before applying it to the pole.

"Remember you asked for this." He says, causing you to grin up at him, eyes staring lustfully up at him.

He removes his hand from the pole to remove his shirt. Once it's off, your eyes immediately drift down to his arms and chest, staring at the tattoos covering one of his arms fully. You glide your tongue along the side of your mouth as you stare at his abs for a moment before looking back up at his face. He has a smirk present on his face before he begins walking around the pole, hand rested on it.

After a few seconds of making you wait, he wraps one of his legs around the pole, doing a spin before climbing onto the pole, allowing himself to wrap both legs around it, doing a spin fully around the pole as his arms flex and his head leans back. His hair is now off of his face as he tilts his head back.

You stare at his jawline as he tilts his head back before your eyes immediately go back to looking at his arms, watching as the muscles relax and flex with every movement he makes on the pole. Once he finishes doing a spin, he allows himself to get back onto his feet, now standing by the base of the pole. He uses one hand to hold onto the pole, gripping onto it tightly before he starts doing body rolls against the metal material.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now