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"Jungkook, if you could have things your way and could do anything you want for a living... what would you do?" you ask before lifting your wine glass and taking a sip of the wine.

Jungkook softly smiles before leaning back in his chair as he stares over at you. He rests his hands behind his head.

"If I could do anything? Absolutely anything?" you nod as he asks this. "If you asked me this two years ago, I would've said I want to be a pro-gamer. Nowadays, though, I would want to be a director." He responds.

You tilt your head to the side as he says this.

"Really?" He nods before taking a sip of his water before he speaks.

"I make little videos here and there whenever I get a chance to travel somewhere new. I even edit them and put music over the videos and everything. I call it," he holds his hands out in front of him, making a gesture that shows off the title. "Golden Closet Films."

"Golden Closet, huh?" you question. He nods while smiling widely, eyes crinkling as he does so. You smile softly as he reacts this way. "Why that name? How'd you come up with that?"

He leans forward as he grows more and more invested in this conversation as he speaks.

"I got the 'golden' part because, in my friend group, I'm the youngest and they always tell me I'm the best at everything that I do." He states.

"Oh, yeah?" you ask. "So, you're the perfect guy, huh?" you ask while smiling widely. He lets out a soft laugh, immediately shaking his head.

"No... there's things I can't do." He states before taking another bite of his food.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I'm not the best at concentrating." He states. "I zone out easily. It takes a lot to keep my interest to pay attention."

"Really? Tell me then, am I keeping your interest?" you question.

He cocks his head to the side, his eyebrow twitching upwards as he stares over at you.

He clears his throat before eyeing you up and down, a wide smirk finding its way on his face.

Oh, the duality... you could get whiplash.

"Well, I've been checking you out since the first pole dancing lesson you went to." He states, causing you to let out a laugh as you smile. "Does that answer your question?" you nod your head.

"Definitely answers my question." You respond before pressing your lips together as you stare over at him.

"My turn to ask you something," he says before taking a sip of his water again. You watch as his Adams apple moves up and down as he swallows. He sets the glass down slowly once he finishes taking a sip. "Since I admitted to still having interest in you... have I been able to spark your interest?" he questions.

You lean back in your chair, pretending to think.

"Well..." you start, making sure your voice comes out sounding unsure on purpose. "You did manage to get me to leave a toxic relationship because I was curious about how it would be to go on a date with you."

Jungkook's eyebrows lift in shock.

"Oh really?" You nod. "Huh... well... now that you're here, what do you think?" he asks while gesturing towards the beach and the candlelit dinner that's sitting in front of you.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now