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You wake up the next morning around 8:30AM.

You immediately get out of bed and start to get ready for the day. You brush your teeth before washing your face and applying your necessary skincare before putting on sunscreen. Once you finish this, you head back into your bedroom and start to grab an outfit.

Choosing a pair of biker shorts and a loose long sleeve t-shirt, you get dressed before making your way towards your front door.

You exit the door and immediately get in your car to start driving to the nearest drive through.

Glancing at your dashboard, you see the time.


You pull up into the drive through and order an iced coffee and a breakfast sandwich before you start making your way towards the studio.

Once you get at the studio, you decide to go inside early, bringing your food with you.

At the entrance of the studio room that you and Jungkook are meeting at, you sigh to yourself before waiting a few minutes.

After a few minutes of waiting, you decide to try the door.

It's unlocked.

You walk into the studio room and stare up at the poles.

Biting onto your lower lip, you set down the food before starting to step towards one of the poles, placing the palm of your hand on it as you test the grip.

Your hands aren't sweaty anymore when you try to grab the pole.

When you first started these pole dancing classes, you always had sweaty hands and would get nervous while practicing.

Now that you've taken a few classes and don't feel as uncomfortable while trying to be sexy, you've grown to get used to the idea of being sexy in front of other people.

You use your hand to grip onto the pole, starting to pull yourself up onto the pole.

As you do so, you wrap your leg around the bottom of the pole and practice doing one of the spins that Solar taught you recently.

You spin on the pole while you close your eyes, letting yourself let loose.

After a few seconds of spinning on the pole, you slowly lower yourself onto the floor once again.

Once your feet are back on the floor, you unwrap your leg from the pole and sigh before dusting your hands off on your sweatpants.

Deciding to eat while you wait for Jungkook, you walk back over to where your breakfast bag is sitting.

"Impressive." You hear. This causes you to widen your eyes as you look up into the mirror.

While you look into the mirror, you see Jungkook staring back at you, making eye contact through the mirror.

He smiles over at you before stepping towards you as you turn around to face him.

"You saw that?" He nods.

"It's impressive how quickly you're making progress on learning." Jungkook states. "If you attend more courses, I think you'd be on the road to teaching beginner classes."

You lift your eyebrows as you stare over at him.

"I don't know if I'd want to do that." You state.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now