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You let out a nervous sigh as Miyeon opens the door to the studio.

Following behind her, you avoid eye contact with the other people in the class, already knowing that you'll get even more nervous and run out of the studio if someone gives you a dirty look.

You bite onto your lower lip before quickly putting your purse into one of the cubbies before quickly slipping off your shoes and putting them in the same cubby.

Miyeon drags you to the back of the class, already knowing that you'll chicken out if you end up having to do this in the front of the classroom.

"You good?" she mumbles towards you. You nod before looking up and staring at the front of the classroom.

At the front of the class, there's a large mirror that shows everyone's reflection.

Including yours regardless of how far in the back you are.

You feel the anger deep inside of you towards your boyfriend.

Why the hell would he lie about a guys' night? It's pathetic that he thinks he can't hang out with his friends just because you two are dating.

It just doesn't seem like something he should feel the need to lie about.

"What's up, everyone?" a loud voice suddenly speaks up near the entrance of the classroom. You look into the mirror and see a tall man in the mirror with a wide smile on his face.

He has bright red hair, a heart-shaped smile, and he's dressed in a khaki green loose t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. His hair is tied up with a bandana to keep it out of his face and he's wearing a pair of freshly cleaned white sneakers.

He waves at everyone who looks at him before making his way towards the front of the class.

"My name is Hoseok and I'll be your instructor today." He says while smiling. "Normally, Wheein would be here to help me instruct but she's out sick so another instructor will be taking her place today." He says while smiling.

You glance around and notice most of the guys and even a few girls who now have disappointed looks on their faces.

Whoever this Wheein girl is clearly has a lot of admirers.

You tilt your head to the side and nod your head at Hoseok's words.

"Now, the other instructor should be here in a bit but since Wheein isn't here, we won't be able to show any couple moves together today."

Thank God.

Suddenly the door behind you opens again, causing you to immediately look in that direction.


Why you?

Your face heats up as you see the instructor who's filling in Wheein's place.

Of course, with your luck, it has to be Jungkook. The universe would never let you go to one of these classes without him being here apparently.

He makes eye contact with you before tilting his head to the side for a few seconds, silently questioning why you're at a sexy dance class rather than the pole dancing classes.

"There's no pole dancing classes today." He says to you as Hoseok helps the rest of the class warm up.

Miyeon, in the meantime, is watching the interaction between you and Jungkook.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now