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"So... what exactly made you want to come to class again? I could've sworn that you wanted nothing to do with this class last week." Miyeon states while eyeing you, suspicious of your behavior. "If you even are Y/N, that is."

You let out a soft laugh and shake your head quickly while staring over at your friend.

"It's me, I swear." You respond while holding both hands up. She narrows her eyes at you before reaching over to place both of her hands on your face. Beginning to mess with your face, she pinches your cheeks, stretching out the skin on your face to test if it really is you. You gasp and push her hands off of you.

"No, seriously. What made you change your mind? You were so determined not to come back ever again." She responds. You glance around the studio, making sure that no one's eavesdropping on your conversation.

"Okay, fine, you got me." You respond while sighing before lowering your voice down to a whisper for your next sentence. "After the instructor showed me that sexy trick, Kai and I had the best sex we've had in months." You watch as her face goes from a skeptical facial expression to the 'I told you you'd love this' face. You roll your eyes before shoving her as you glance around to make sure no one heard you.

"How's everyone doing today? Are you all ready to practice?" you hear Solar's voice echoing throughout the studio. She walks past everyone and makes her way to the front of the studio.

"Who's ready to-" you hear a deep voice from the back of the room. When you look in the mirror, you see Jungkook, who's already staring in your direction. He quickly breaks eye contact before making his way past you, mumbling under his breath so only you can hear as he passes by. "Decided to come back, I see."

You watch as he strips his hoodie off and tosses it onto the shelf before arriving at the front of the class.

"Today, we're going to be teaching you all how to master the seduction that comes with pole dancing." Solar states. "When you appear to be confident, it makes people think that you know more tricks than you actually do." Solar continues.

"Confidence is always key." Jungkook states while placing his hands on his hips as he talks to the class. Solar glances at him, nodding her head before looking around the room.

"It looks like we lost a few more students from last time. Instead of three groups, we're only going to need to split into two groups. I'll teach the first group, Jungkook will teach the second." She states. Walking around, she begins counting off, putting people into groups. When walking past you, she assigns you in the second group.

You look over at Jungkook, who's leaning against the mirror of the studio, eyeing Solar as she starts teaching the other students.

You bite onto your lower lip as he slowly moves his eyes from her to look over at you. He stares at you for a moment before giving you a soft nod of acknowledgement.


After 15 minutes of the other class practicing on the pole, it's time for your group to go.

Jungkook stands at the front of the class while explaining how to look sexy and confident.

While you watch him teach, you tilt your head to the side. You watch as he gently rubs his eyes while he talks before starting to demonstrate.

"To appear confident, you need to have this sort of... je ne sais quoi." He states before stepping by the pole closest to the front of the class. "You need to have that sexy eye stare, kinda like you're looking at someone you want to take home." He states before practicing the look on the group. You nod your head, looking at yourself in the mirror as you attempt to make a seductive face, resulting in you looking awkward.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now