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"You're kidding, Jungkook," you say while shaking your head. "There's no way you can do a Spongebob impression; your voice is way too deep for that." You say as you take another bite of your ice cream.

You're sitting on the left side of the couch. Miyeon is in the middle. Jungkook is on the right side of the couch.

"I'm serious, I can do a Spongebob impression." He insists, his eyes sparkling as they look over at you. He looks like a child arguing with an adult about them being able to turn invisible.

You let out a soft laugh before merely shaking your head.

Miyeon looks between the two of you and leans back on the couch, pressing her lips together to prevent from smirking as she sees the sparks flying between the two of you.

It grows quiet for a few seconds after you stop arguing with Jungkook.

Until you all hear a noise out of nowhere.

An odd laugh.

You and Miyeon widen your eyes before looking over at Jungkook and see him giving both of you a smile. His eyes are squinted, nose scrunched, and his upper front teeth are hovering over his lower lip.

He looks like a literal bunny.

You and Miyeon look at each other before Miyeon speaks up.

"He was right; he does sound like Spongebob." She sides with him, causing you to roll your eyes for a few seconds before shaking your head.

"Told you so." Jungkook says while smiling proudly.

You take another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth to prevent yourself from arguing about such a stupid topic with him.

It grows quiet for a few seconds as everyone's attention drifts to the TV.

After the few seconds of silence, Miyeon speaks up.

"Ah, this channel is getting boring." She says before carefully reaching forward towards the coffee table.

She grabs the remote and starts flipping through random channels.

As she does so, you glance over at Jungkook.

He's eating his ice cream and occasionally checking his phone as Miyeon flips through channels.

You glance away and look back at the TV.

You stare at the screen as you mentally scold yourself.

You don't think he's cute.

You're lying.

You're not attracted to his muscles.

You're lying.

You're not someone who will hurt your significant other like that.

Kai has his faults but you are not going to risk anything you have with him by letting Jungkook try anything on you.

You bite onto your lower lip as you think about this before taking a deep breath.

"Ah, I forgot," his voice breaks you out of your mental scolding session. "I should get going. I hope the ice cream helped you both feel better." He says while giving you and Miyeon a wide smile.

"Yep, it definitely helped. Thanks, Jungkook." Miyeon is the one to respond to him. He glances over at you to confirm that you feel better as well. You give him a reassuring grin before nodding. He grins back before nodding.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now