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"Am I doing this right?" You question while you tighten your leg around the pole, using one hand to hold yourself while your leg remains wrapped around the pole.

"Yep." You hear Jungkook's voice. "You're a natural." He says.

"Ah, aren't you supposed to be participating rather than teaching today?" you question. He nods.

"I am." You take this moment to look down at him, assuming that he's standing below you. When you do so, you see that he's not there.

You glance around, eyes scanning the room as you silently question where he's at.

"Over here." He states. You use your hearing to locate him.

He's on the pole behind you.

He grins as he sees your eyes widen from seeing the position he's in.

He's hanging upside down on the pole.

"Why are you upside down?" you question.

"I've been meaning to perfect this move for a while now." He states before releasing the grip that one of his legs has around the pole. He lets his leg raise in the air as his shirt slowly begins lifting as he hangs upside down.

Your eyes instinctively look at his stomach as you see his defined abs.

You immediately look away before slowly making your way down the pole.

"That was great, Y/N." Solar says as she walks past you, gently patting your shoulder. Once she does this, she then glances up at Jungkook. "Ah, you finally got that move down, huh?" she questions while looking over at Jungkook.

"Yep." He says before immediately starting to make his way carefully down the pole.

As Solar watches him making his way down, she lets out a soft laugh as she sees that he's coming down head-first.

"Be careful, Jungkook. You already have enough head damage already." She says while gesturing towards her head.

Jungkook glares at her before he stops climbing down once he makes it to a distance where he can release the pole with his legs and hang from his hands.

Once he does this, he leaps, landing on his feet as he bends his knees to soften the jump.

He then stands up straight, pulling his shirt back down to its proper position.

"Very funny, Noona." He states before taking a deep breath. "I am glad I perfected that move though. I know that's something we've been meaning to teach our more advanced classes."

Solar nods her head before crossing her arms as she gives him a smile.

"Then, I guess that means you're ready to teach that move during the next lesson?" Solar questions. He widens his eyes, eyebrows lifting as he stares over at her.

"Yes!" he exclaims, growing excited as she offers for him to teach the class.

She lets out a soft laugh before shaking her head as she gives him a thumbs up.

"It's all yours then." She then moves away from you and him and starts looking at how the other students in the class are doing.

Jungkook looks over at you.

"You know, if you keep coming to these lessons, you could end up being in that class soon." He states.

You let out a soft laugh and shake your head.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now